Secretly a beer when you were thirteen? This does not happen regularly. Young people are drinking more and later and less and less: the age limit of eighteen has clearly played a role. The Institute for Alcohol Policy Step participated
Alcohol later in life
The most recent figures show that the proportion of 13-year-olds who have ever consumed alcohol went from 70 to 27%. first with campaigns on the excessive consumption of alcohol by young people. Before that, in 2005, 70% of 13-year-olds had already consumed alcohol, compared to 27% today, "says Ninette van Hasselt, head of the" Youth and risk behaviors "program at the university. Trimbos Institute
According to Van Hasselt, 7% of 15-year-olds drink for the first time, compared to 40.3% versus 66.3% for 16-year-olds, according to a US study. drinking later, the risk of alcohol problems decreases to 14% in the future.
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