The car sleeps its driver to sleep


The natural vibrations of the car make the driver sleepy
affect concentration and alertness. Only fifteen minutes
the driver took his place behind the wheel, everything can
the first symptoms are noticed. That said an investigation
scientists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.

The researchers
let fifteen volunteers sit in a virtual simulator
the experience of driving on a monotonous two-lane road imitated. The
researchers point out that in Australia about 20 percent of the
fatal road accidents involve fatigue.


"There are
this moment is little known about the impact of physics
vibrations of the car on the pilots, "say the researchers
Stephen Robinson and Neng Zhang. "However, there is more and more evidence
these movements help to create feelings of
"We know that one in five Australians gets drunk while driving." We also know that a sleeping feeling
behind the wheel of the car for road safety an important
problem. Tired drivers are at higher risk
during the trip to doze. "

" We discovered that the sweet
vibration of the car seats while driving, the brain and the
can lull the body to sleep, "says Stephen Robinson, professor
psychology at RMIT University. "Our study shows that stable
vibrations at low frequencies – as experienced while driving
cars and trucks – gradually causing drowsiness. "

" It's possible
even be established in people who are well equipped and in a
good health Fifteen minutes after the driver in the
car walked, sleepiness begins to manifest itself and after
half an hour can have a significant impact on the ability to concentrate and
vigilance is measured. "

Heart Rate

" Based on the
variability of heart rate (HRV) volunteers, could be
recorded up to how drowsy was manifesting itself as
test – which lasted a total of sixty minutes – progresses, "says Neng
Zhang, professor of automotive engineering at RMIT University

the fatigue caused by vibrations makes it
psychologically and physiologically more difficult to perform mental tasks.
To compensate for this impact, the nervous system is activated
leads to changes in heart rate. Within thirty minutes
clear that a considerable effort is required for vigilance and the
to maintain cognitive performance. "

© RMIT University

Sleepiness seemed to be
gradually increased during the test and reached after sixty minutes
a peak. The researchers also claim that more work is needed on the
to build further conclusions and to investigate how the
vibrations influence people of different demographic characteristics.

"We want
investigate a larger group of drivers, allowing us to do that
know how age could impact on
the driver's vulnerability to drowsiness caused by vibrations
is caused, "say the researchers." We also want to establish
or certain health problems, such as sleep apnea, about the phenomenon
could have an effect. "

" Search results
also suggest that the vibrations on certain frequencies it
could have the opposite effect and wake up the driver
could keep it, "say the researchers. "So we want
explore a wider range of frequencies, so that specialists can
car design the necessary information could be concerned about how
on which positive vibrations could be used. "

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