The explosion in the Arnhem apartment did not take place through the gas


Jenny Hendrikx (55), a native of Arnhem, is regularly confronted with noise from her neighbor on the first floor of the Daphnestraat building. Sometimes he screams sounds, "so he's fighting with his girlfriend." Even more often, these are noisy night visits. On Monday evening, around nine o'clock, she calls the police because of the noise.

Then there are slaps, suddenly an explosion. After the coup – "I heard a clatter of glass, the window broke" – Hendrikx sees a man from the apartment running into the ditch on the other side. When the police arrive, a second victim was showered by local residents. Both men have severe burns and die later in the night at the hospital.

A third victim disappears shortly after the explosion. It turned out to be fugued and was only found at half past six in the morning, despite the deployment of a police boat, sniffer dogs and helicopters . Local resident Rieks Terseimas (27) saw how the man crossed the street right after the blast and refused any help to passersby. "One side of his body was completely burned," says Terseimas.

What happens in the apartment, according to the inhabitants of the neighborhood friend of Schuytgraaf children, can be recommended. This could not have been a gas explosion because the district is connected to district heating. A possible drug lab is the conversation of the day.

The reason for this suspicion is the inconvenience caused in the apartment. Local residents speak on the street and watch the apartment burned down. The police only know that traces have been found in the apartment that are "possibly related to drug-related cases".

Monique (52), (for security reasons, she does not want her last name NRC ) and Yvonne van der Zanden (58) agree that There are a lot of drug complaints in the neighborhood. "There is a lot of work here," says Monique.

This also emerges from a meeting held by the housing company Tuesday afternoon in response to the incident.

The Criminal Investigation and Forensic Investigation Department conducts other home-based investigations to determine the exact cause of the explosion.

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