The length of the ring and the index says a lot about the sexual preferences …


Women whose left index finger and ring finger have different lengths are more likely to be lesbians. This sounds like a pub conversation, but it's the conclusion of a scientific research conducted at the University of Essex in Britain. We can read that on the BBC.

Scientists measured the finger length of eighteen identical twins, one of which was straight and the other lesbian.

On average, the lesbian half had different dimensions of the ring. and the index. This is a typical male trait, but only left.


"This may have to do with exposure to too much testosterone in the uterus", that's how it looks like Tuesday Watts from the psychology department of the University of Toronto. University of Essex. "Since identical twins have one hundred percent of the same genes and yet have different sexual preferences, we need to look for the cause elsewhere."

"Research shows that sexual preference in the uterus is determined and depends on the amount of male hormones we are exposed to or the way our body responds to it." Homosexuality or bisexuality are more likely to be exposed to higher doses. "

Not in men

The team also examined the fingers of fourteen identical twins, one of whom was straight and the other homosexual, but no links were found.

The research is published in The Archives of Sexual Behavior . It remains to be seen whether the study in the scientific world will be immediately assumed to be true, remains the question. This is reminiscent of the phrenology of the 18th and 19th centuries, the theory that predisposition and personality can be derived from the shape of the skull. The theory has long been classified.

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