The Martini Hospital begins remote monitoring for patients with COPD and heart failure


The Martini Hospital, in collaboration with FocusCura, is launching two innovative projects to remotely monitor patients with chronic disease and thereby prevent hospitalization. Patients with COPD or heart failure receive a tablet at home, on which they transmit medical information about their condition to the hospital on a daily or weekly basis. If an individually defined threshold value is exceeded, the hospital will contact the patient by video call. For example, medications can be adjusted at an early stage to ultimately prevent hospitalization. In addition, it increases the degree of self-management, the feeling of security and the quality of life of patients.

Good Care in the Right Place

Hans Feenstra, CEO of Martini Hospital: "These projects are a good example of" Good Care in the Right Place ". We believe that care should in principle be organized as close as possible to the patient and we are therefore actively engaged in this care. "

Appropriate Care

These projects involve patients who are already treated by the hospital, not the transfer of care to the general practitioner (substitution). only good for patients, they also reduce health care costs because emergency admissions are avoided and fewer outpatient visits are needed. "Feenstra:" We are giving shape to the long-term agreements we have with Menzis and Zilveren Kruis, we are committed to developing patient care initiatives. "Both projects start with a small group of patients to gain experience with this new way of working. collaboration with FocusCura, there is also scientific research on the results of telemonitoring.

Prevention of pulmonary attack

COPD is a medical condition the lung in which the lungs are damaged. The lungs do not allow proper breathing and the patient has less energy. COPD is characterized by pulmonary attacks, in which the patient experiences more congestion, coughing or mucus production that often results in hospitalization. We want to prevent these pulmonary attacks by more frequent controls. Patients with many symptoms of COPD complete a questionnaire about how they feel each week. A specialized nurse then monitors the results at the hospital. If these results exceed certain threshold values, the nurse will communicate with the patient by video call. For example, it literally understands how the patient behaves and can, for example, adjust the medication. This can possibly prevent a lung attack. Especially for patients with COPD, the trip to the hospital is an entire undertaking because it often requires significant physical effort. For them, therefore, this form of distance care is very appropriate.

Drug Adjustment

Heart failure is a condition in which the pumping function of the heart decreases slowly or abruptly. As a result, patients get tired more quickly, retain moisture and breathlessness in their daily activities. Patients with heart failure daily spend their weight, blood pressure and heart rate via the tablet. For this they have not only the tablet, but also a blood pressure monitor and a scale. This type of care is particularly suitable for patients who have just been diagnosed with heart failure and for patients who are in an unstable phase of their condition. In both groups, the drug must be properly adjusted or reset. And when this normally happens over a period of eight weeks through a series of visits to the outpatient clinic, it is expected that this can now be done in a few fonts in just a few weeks. The introduction of the drug and the explanation of the clinical picture and lifestyle now occur via the image connection, the patient no longer needs to come to the clinic. ;hospital. It is also expected that emergency admissions will be avoided. In addition, the patient is actively involved in the care process through this form of remote monitoring. Research shows that more control for the patient increases the quality of life of patients with heart failure.

Source: Martini Hospital

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