The more you play, the more you live


Sport is healthy, we have been doing it for a while, but its health and the time we have left for exercise are under discussion. A new study shows that it is always better to practice more sports.

According to researchers at the Cleveland Clinic, a good physical condition, or aerobic fitness, leads to a longer life and the benefits of exercise are not limited. Scientists studied data from about 122,000 patients who performed treadmill tests between 1991 and 2014.

Participants were divided into five levels of fitness: from low to high. The elite group had a 80% lower mortality risk than the lowest-fit group. An extremely good condition had the most effect in older patients.

"Aerobic fitness is something that people control, and we found there was no limit to the sport." It's cardiologist and lead investigator Wael Jaber of the Cleveland Clinic. the world should be encouraged to stay in shape and stay fit. "The risk of poor physical fitness was comparable to, or even greater than, traditional risk factors such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and smoking.

Previous studies suggested the existence of risks to extreme sports.For example, this could lead to heart problems.This new research contradicts this.The researchers believe that a very good condition reduces the risk of premature death more than the average fitness The most fit participants lived the longest

Source: Science Daily

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