The National Heat Plan may return to the closet


The national heating plan that came into effect last week can be stored again when the freshest air enters the country. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) will announce Saturday that the plan is no longer in effect.

The heat plan is actually a warning for the consequences of extremely high temperatures and a call for extra care for vulnerable people. elderly and chronically ill. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) also provides tips such as: drink enough, lubricate sunscreen and limit physical exertion in the afternoon [19659003] Open House

Critics believe that the National Heat Plan is full of evidence. "It makes sense that you do not wear a winter coat today," said a spokesman for the ANBO seniors' organization after the plan was put in place. The Dutch also let it be known on Twitter that they had found the heat plan full of open doors.

But of course, the RIVM found that the temperatures demanded clear tips

A sunny month

] It was not for nothing, because the temperatures were also very extreme with a very bright sun last week. Since 1906, July has never been as sunny as today. This conclusion draws Weeronline. The weather office calculates that the number of hours of sunshine this month will likely be between 330 and 340. The previous record for July, as of 2006, was 316.3 hours of sun

According to Weeronline, it is very difficult that July 2018 even enters the books as the sunniest month ever measured. For this, the number of hours of sunshine must exceed 329.2 hours and that is fine.

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