The new implantable lens provides a solution for patients with macular degeneration


FYEO Medical is the first clinic in the Netherlands to introduce the low vision lens. This lens has been specially developed for the visually impaired due to damage to the macula (part of the retina). The lens, which is implanted in the eye, enlarges the central vision with +10 diopters, so that visual aids such as a reading magnifier or a reading ruler are no longer needed. As a result, people with severe vision loss free their hands for a book, craft or craft work.

Substantial Improvement

"Slowly, losing sight is a nightmare for everyone." Frank Kerkhoff means little or nothing for people with age-related macular degeneration (LMD). From now on, it can dramatically improve the lives of patients with extremely poor vision. "I can not heal them, but thanks to this special purpose, I can give them more freedom of movement, which increases the quality of life."

Dr. Kerkhoff, medical director of the FYEO Medical ophthalmic clinic in Eersel and ophthalmic surgeon at the Maxima Medical Center in Veldhoven / Eindhoven, has already placed the first lenses. His very first patient; Ms. Heijnen (63) from Eindhoven is very happy with her new vision. "I was blinded by my convulsions at my birth.I still remember the extreme anger of yesterday that I felt when Dr. Kerkhoff told me that I was sick. he could not do anything for me and I would lose sight of my left eye because of macular degeneration. "Six months later she was called by Dr. Kerkhoff with the message that a new goal would come. "You were the first person I thought of when I heard about this low-vision lens."

"In the Netherlands, some 100,000 patients suffer from severe macular degeneration and 400 000 others receive a beginner form.The Low Vision lens is only suitable for people suffering from the dry form of this disease.Kerkhoff. "It is also suitable for people whose yellow stain, the macula, is damaged at one time. other way and the syndrome is stabilized. "

More freedom of movement

Mrs. Heijnen no longer has a reading magnifier needed. "She can re-read without tools and has again gained more freedom of movement." And it's wonderful for she. "Before, I could not leave home without help. When I wanted to read the price of a product at the supermarket, I was uncomfortable with a magnifying glass in my hand. Now I can cross the supermarket without any notice. "

Treatment of Implantable Lenses

FYEO Medical is the first clinic in the Netherlands to offer this lens. The lens is placed in the eye in less than 15 minutes. The implantation is completely painless and even during recovery patients experience little or no discomfort. However, it takes about 3 weeks before you have a habit of looking with the new lens. Patients receive a workout program for this.

Source: FYEO Medical




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