Newcastle disease (pseudo-avian influenza NCD) was established on a farm in Waregem, West Flanders

which was announced by the FAVV Food Agency on Tuesday 17 July .

This is the third infection in commercial poultry following previous infections in Haaltert (July 4) and Zulte (July 9), both in East Flanders. On Friday, April 13th, FASFC reported the 14th infection in recreational poultry since the first report at the end of April

The animals at the Waregem farm showed clinical signs and the mortality was higher to normal. The chickens were vaccinated, but this proved insufficient to prevent a breakthrough of the disease, just as with the breeding of Zulte.

Protected Areas and Demarcated Surveillance Areas

Around this new outbreak, the same outbreak measures in Haaltert and Zulte: an area with a radius of 500 meters, a protection zone with a radius of 3 kilometers and a zone of surveillance with a radius of 10 kilometers are delimited. Since then, standard measures have been applied for at least 21 days. The farmhouse of Waregem is located in the area of ​​10 kilometers from the farm of Zulte

The obligation of vaccination and the application of biosecurity measures

Because the risk of infection has not yet passed, the FASFC has safety measures. Only people absolutely necessary for operational management can enter the stables with the necessary safety provisions. In addition, all vehicles arriving at the company must be disinfected. Motorists must also take precautionary measures.

Avine: measures also important for the Netherlands

Given the close commercial contacts between Belgium and the Netherlands, the Avined Association stresses the importance of following these recommendations in the sector Dutch poultry. Accurate tracking of vaccination instructions and hygiene rules in the national visitor's protocol and IKB regulations helps.