This doctor has cancer himself and wrote a book about it


Warner Prevoo (54) has been operating cancer patients for years with small peepholes. Day after day, he had to deal with all aspects of the debilitating illness. He thought he knew everything until he was sick himself

| Erik van Dam

In the book The real doctors cry too Warner tells how he went from doctor to patient

Fever and cough

Warner wakes up on New Year's day 2016 with fever and the feeling that he is "crushed by an army tank". Just as he has endured a persistent cough in recent weeks, he is still dragging himself into his pub for a traditional New Year's drink. It tastes the water from ditches and drops a second drink.


He realizes that he has more than a flu and decides to get his lungs scanned. This is done quickly because Warner works as a doctor at the hospital. He is an interventional radiologist and performs daily surgical treatments for cancer or its complications.


At the beginning of the scannetje, he does not realize that he himself is about to be a cancer patient. to become. His colleagues do not do it either. If the diagnosis is still there, it will be silent. Lung cancer at an end stage.


Warner draws everything he experiences. The idea for this book comes from Karin Overmars, a writer and married to a friend of Warner. "We have known each other for a long time and go out to dinner from time to time," says Warner when we talk to him. "Her husband and I teased her at a dinner party telling her that she had to write a book again because the previous one was a long time ago." well, "she says," I'm going to think about it. "When we saw each other again next day, she said she was working on it." And that's about you, "she said. she added. "

The Other Aspect of Cancer

In the following period, Karin Warner talks about all her experiences. Warner discovers the other side of cancer: as a patient. "I thought I knew everything about it, until it happened, I knew I did not know anything," he says. "What does it do to you, the impact it has on you and your immediate environment, your family, your friends, but also colleagues." Maybe our medical specialists think sometimes we are immune to the diseases we treat, but that is not the case.It is a shock. "


During his illness, Warner discovers the physical feeling cancer patients, the loneliness they feel and the empathic words used by doctors when talking to a patient. "As a doctor, I often said" I understand what you mean ", but it does not really make sense, because I did not understand it at all, I did not know what it was like. Now I can say: I know from my own experience how you feel now, without any further explanation. "

Not cured

The Chronology of The True Doctors Also Cry Ends about a year ago. At Warner, it varies: good when the disease is under control and less when the controls are disappointing. He had kidney stones and a virus affected his vocal cord. In addition, the tumor has just returned, which means that Warner has been treated again.

Never again without treatment

And it'll stay that way, he says. "I have a scan every three months, we will adjust the treatment based on the control scan, cancer can be inhibited under all kinds of drugs, but I never think about treatment."

The real doctors cry too by Warner Prevoo and Karin Overmars is available today .

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 Warner Prevoo

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Source: LINDA News
| Photo: Getty Images

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