Tip: Midge Flevopolder


In large parts of the Flevopolder, the possibilities of effective control of the Asian forest mosquito are low. This is because the Asian forest mosquito between Lelystad and Zeewolde is widespread. The Asian forest mosquito has only a small additional risk of disease spread in the Netherlands. Researchers from RIVM and NVWA therefore recommend stopping the mosquito from Asian forests in the Flevopolder. Because control at new places can be effective, it is advisable to attack them there.

Asian Forest Mosquito

The Asian Forest Mosquito (Aedes japonicus) was found in the Netherlands in 2012 and has already appeared in large areas. Lelystad to occur. This mosquito may play a role in the transmission of a rare disease that occurs in a small part of the United States (La Crosse encephalitis). This is why, at the time, it was advised to control the population of this mosquito, but not to eradicate it at all costs. Meanwhile, monitoring shows that the mosquito has settled in several places in the area. This makes it increasingly difficult to control the Asian forest mosquito at this location and the costs are no longer proportional to the effects and risks.

The risk to health is low

A risk analysis was developed. based on a vast study of international literature. This shows that the risk of disease transmission by the Asian forest mosquito in the Netherlands is very low. Although this mosquito in the laboratory seems to be able to transmit certain diseases, the mosquito seems to be unable to do well outside the laboratory. In addition, there is no indication that the Asian forest mosquito plays a role in the spread of infectious diseases in areas where it is prevalent. This makes the health risk very low and comparable to the mosquitoes that normally occur in the Netherlands.

Politics for Exotic Mosquitoes

The establishment of specific exotic mosquitoes can increase the risk of spread of a number of diseases in the Netherlands. . The government wants to limit the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and, in principle, prevent the establishment of invasive alien mosquitoes in the Netherlands. The consideration for control is made by mosquito species, because the possibilities of control and the possibility of transmission of diseases by mosquitoes differ. At the request of VWS, RIVM and NVWA have studied the increased risk of disease spread when the Asian forest mosquito is established in the Netherlands. The advice on the Asian forest mosquito in the Flevopolder therefore has no consequence on the control of invasive alien mosquitoes. The forest mosquito is still being fought elsewhere than in the Flevopolder. The council also has no consequences for fighting other species of exotic mosquitoes such as the tiger mosquito and the yellow fever mosquito in the Netherlands

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