TNO and LUMC Launch Dutch Innovation Center for Lifestyle Medicine


On July 3, TNO and LUMC sign the program agreement for the Dutch Innovation Center for Lifestyle Medicine (NILG). Based on the basic idea that lifestyle change is one of the most important pillars in tomorrow's healing care, TNO and LUMC want to contribute to the transition of disease and care, to health and behavior. A healthy lifestyle can be enough to cure common diseases such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Fund is the first partner of the innovation center and has an amount of 350,000 euros.

From "Care" to "Cure"

The NILG aims to limit the social and economic impact of curable lifestyle diseases in the next 10 years by changing care for curable diseases to "heal ", And from a doctor's office to a salon. Suzan Wopereis, Senior Scientist at TNO: "The starting point is that it takes place in an environment that helps the patient take and maintain control over their own health, 365 days a year. This requires a transformation in health care, but also in the business sector (the economy of care), in local, regional and national health and welfare policy. And last but not least, with the patient himself. "In order to make the transition from" cure to cure ", NILG is developing with its partners innovations that are part of a personalized approach combining medication, behavioral change and e-health with lifestyle." NILG is working on a system change through the integration of research and implementation and intensive cooperation among citizens, health care, industry and government. In addition, NILG develops educational services for health professionals and citizens in the field of lifestyle and disease

Lifestyle interventions patient diabetes

The Netherlands Innovation Center for Lifestyle Medicine is the first to focus about type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands. The Diabetes Fund is the first partner and awards the institute an amount of 350 000 €. Rens Vandeberg, Diabetes Fund Deputy Director: "With our investment, research projects are underway to better understand how lifestyle interventions can reduce the burden of disease in people with type 2 diabetes and how to reverse the disease. disease. In addition, the money is invested in projects that should help us better help people with type 2 diabetes to adopt a healthier lifestyle. "

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