Treant directs patients to a Tombolysis treatment


HOOGEVEEN – Patients who have a stroke, and where thrombolysis should be applied, the next time can not be helped in Bethesda Hoogeveen. The treatments must be done in other hospitals at the moment.

The doctor who performs these treatments is sick. According to Treant spokeswoman Selma Hoekstra, the situation will last until October 1st. It is a rather specific treatment. We will continue to offer other forms of acute neurological care in Hoogeveen. "
Tombolysis is a medical treatment where a clot in a blood vessel, caused by thrombosis or embolism, is dissolved with powerful means." Urokinase, streptokinase and r-TPA are used to this end.
The goal is to dissolve the clot and restore normal blood flow to avoid infarction (brain, heart) or necrosis (leg). or is reduced. Source: RTV Drenthe

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