Trimbos launches an information campaign on nitrous oxide


The Trimbos Institute is launching a campaign to inform municipalities, parents, youth and teachers about the risks of nitrous oxide. Trimbos has made a video for parents of young people, a guide has been developed for municipalities, law enforcement officials and prevention professionals, and a video has also been produced for adult users. In the last video, special attention is given to risk limitation and not to prevention of use. Trimbos reports this.

More and more young people and young adults come into contact with nitrous oxide. At the same time, investigators see an increase in nuisance among users of laughing gas. More and more parents, caregivers, teachers and municipalities are asking questions about the product described as a party drug.

Trimbos has developed a preventive approach on behalf of the Ministry of Health. Attention is also focused on current concerns regarding the use of nitrous oxide and the safe image of nitrous oxide that exists in young people. Young people in particular believe that laughing gas is innocent and sometimes parents do not even know the existence of the product. That's why Trimbos made the video "5 Things You Need to Know About Laughing Gas as a Parent."

A video was made for adult users. When young people and parents are used to prevent the use of laughing gas, young adults are primarily concerned with limiting the risks. Trimbos has opted for this approach because this target group is not likely to have a stricter message. "The most important risks of use are mentioned and advice is given to minimize the risk of health problems, but non-use is the best advice."

By: Redactie National Zorggids

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