Two months after the birth of her daughter, she …


Europe moans under the heat and we are especially trying to enjoy it. But imagine that with this time you can not take a shower or jump into the pool. A young British woman does this because since the birth of her daughter she is allergic to … water.

Cherelle Farrugia (25 years old) gave birth to her daughter Willow in January of this year, but only two months later, the woman from Wales during the shower suffered from pain and itching sensation. "At first I thought I had an allergy to one or the other product, so I started using other products," Cherelle told Daily Mail. . "But I noticed that I was always reacting, so I thought it had to do with the water temperature, but that was not the case either." I tried the pool, bottled water and filtered water. To my incredulity I had irritations again and again. "

In the end, Cherelle also removed an allergy to chlorine and bacteria in the showerhead from its list of possible causes. She almost gave up hope, until she found a rare condition in her research of which only 35 cases were known worldwide: Aquagenic Uticaria.

Diagnosis officiel

"I knew immediately that I had it and that I immediately took a doctor's appointment," explains Cherelle. "It took time, because the first doctor I saw had never heard of this disease." It took three months to get the official diagnosis. "

  Two months after birth of his daughter, misery began:

Photo: Instagram

Cherelle is allergic to water. The 20s had to cope with postnatal depression and doctors suspect that, along with her pregnancy, she changed her hormonal level so that she developed special affection. When Cherelle comes into contact with water, she suffers quickly from intense pain and itching – when she takes a bath, when she takes a shower, when it rains, when she sweats, when she goes swimming … [19659003] "It all starts first tingling: so I know the reaction comes in. A minute later the whole top of my body is rash. It takes 30 to 60 minutes before they're gone." I can drink water because I have not been touched in. But I have read that there are others at the condition that can not even drink water because their throats swell then.The condition would only get worse, so maybe one day I will not be able to drink anymore. "[19659003] Hot tub

Unfortunately, Cherelle has not yet found a cure for this strange disease. "I'm taking medication now, about 20 minutes before the shower, it would be less itchy, but to be honest: it really does not help."

The young mother brings out her story to highlight the condition and hopes that someone could ever have a cure for the disease. "It completely changed my life, I used to be able to enjoy a good bubble bath, but now I take three-minute showers and I wash it very quickly. able to teach my daughter to swim, which I find so unfortunate, I really looked forward to when she was born. "

<img src =" /Assets/Images_Upload/2018/07/18/87b02d5a-8a58-11e8-953e-171af7140a45_web_scale_0.1851852_0.1851852__.jpg?maxheight=513&maxwidth=767&scale=both "width =" 513 "height =" 513 "alt =" Two months after the birth of his daughter, misery began: "My life has completely changed" 19659007] Photo: Instagram

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