Two new infections with Newcastle disease in poultry … (Brussels)


In the ornamental fowl of two Flemish hobby breeders, new Newcastle infections were detected on Monday. This was communicated by the Federal Agency for Food (FASFC).

New cases of avian disease have been observed in Ninove and Eeklo. Around both infections, a protection zone with a radius of 500 meters was delimited. In this area, any poultry or pigeon keeper must give an inventory of his animals to the mayor, and every keeper must vaccinate his poultry and pigeons (with the exception of ducks, geese and dwarf quail) or present proof of vaccination. In this area, there is also a ban on transportation for poultry and pigeons. Measurements in the area apply for at least 21 days.

At the beginning of this month, general measures were imposed for recreational poultry in our country. It concerns the prohibition of collections and the prohibition of the sale of animals to and between individuals.

Since April 26, sixteen cases of Newcastle disease have been detected in Belgium. It is a very contagious disease that can infect all types of poultry and birds. The man is not susceptible to the disease. The consumption of meat or poultry eggs therefore carries no risk.

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