Urgent debate on Tilburg about a halloween party at the pool


The City Council of Tilburg will hold an emergency debate on the municipal pool of Stappegoor. The reason is a halloween party that went out of control last Saturday

About 500 people were present at the party: young children with their parents to teenagers. During the evening, the pool staff had to call several times about 40 young people because they behaved badly.

Girls were also included in older boys' groups. It was four girls in four different situations. According to a spokesman for the municipality, they were removed from the water and put away.


Several swimming pool visitors discuss sexual assault. Mayor Theo Weterings calls the girls to make a statement. The municipality has included their personal information.

The spokesperson: "We are seeking a contact this week with them to find out if they need follow-up care." The police investigated the possible attacks and thus secured the images taken by the camera.

Upon arrival, a mother saw a large group of young people "fencing". Still in the locker room, the atmosphere was uncomfortable according to Tilburg. "They started screaming and knocking on doors."

Sinister Atmosphere

According to her, the swimming pool was overcrowded. "They were pushing children under water, what they did with my kids, and if you say something about it, you'll have a big mouth." In her own words, she saw how a 14-year-old girl was caught in her crotch.

As the atmosphere became darker and darker, the party ended at 10:30 pm before the end of time. Spokesman of the municipality: "Social security and swimming safety can no longer be guaranteed."

Again, things went bad. A group of thirty young people gathered on the square in front of the pool and threw a stone through the window. One component was also vandalized

Bathing Prohibition

A number of parents reported that young people had entered despite the previously imposed bathing ban. After problems that occurred in 2007, the pool has a device for finger analysis that keeps nuisance generators, writes Omroep Brabant

according to the municipality, which was not used all the time last Saturday because many crowds. Visitors who purchased an online ticket have not been checked. The municipality has already announced the opening of an investigation into this procedure.

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