Van Aartsen, member of the VVD, calls for the protection of Muslims


The VVD icon Jozias van Aartsen disagrees with the line drawn by the national VVD towards Muslims. According to the 70-year-old VVD member, until recently deputy mayor of Amsterdam, Muslims should be protected instead of being attacked.

He compares the current position of Muslims to that of Catholics just over 150 years ago: Catholics had a totally helpless position at that time. They would believe more in Rome and the Pope than the rule of law, was the complaint. But Thorbecke disregarded them, protected their rights and made a lot of preparations for the emancipation of Catholics. That our group, the group, yes Mark Rutte, think about that. "

According to Van Aartsen, the current policy of the VVD is only counter-productive:" There is a group of Muslims who make a good contribution, and they form to a large extent the new middle group of the Countries. If you only keep the story that the VVD does, then "it's a danger, remember, you'll behave", so that leads to the distance. bending for a simplistic feeling, "he says to the AD

We Are Here

Van Aartsen was rather angry at a number of VVD MPs about the group's approach to Squatters We Are Here Earlier this year, it caused the rupture of 22 social housing units in Amsterdam, where asylum seekers came to live in. The national VVD wanted the premises to be evacuated, but according to Van Aartsen Was not so easy

"The rules are enforced, there is a political wish of the city council, there are guidelines from the public prosecutor, we do not leave for vacancy, I am this line. Is very annoying if it is not understood from the VVD ", according to Van Aartsen.

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