– Voogdijkind little involved in the decisions & # 39; | inside


In the Netherlands, nearly 12,000 children are under the complete care of a certified institution (IG). The authority on the child does not rest on the parent, but on a tutor who works at the IG. According to the Children's Ombudsman, the protectors of youth want what is best for these children, but the decisions made by GIs about guardians can be much improved.

situation. They feel that the guardian does not know them enough to make a good decision. Moreover, they can not go anywhere if they do not agree with a decision, "said Klaverboer.

The Ombudsman for Children therefore wants GIs to be able to make decisions about the (subsequent) placement of an independent guardian party. "At present, tutors, foster parents or other people around the child can not go nowhere if they do not agree with a decision. However, there are various options for children with a supervision order to submit decisions and disputes to the juvenile court judge. This distinction is incomprehensible.

In addition, the Children's Ombudsman calls on GIs to further involve children's guardians in decisions, and she believes that there should be more time and space to establish a relationship with children. mutual trust between tutors