VVD and CDA in Senate criticize Mayor's proposal D66 | Now


The senatorial factions of the VVD and CDA coalition parties Tuesday criticized the D66 proposal presented to the Senate to ensure that the appointment of the mayor is no longer included in the constitution.

The parties want more clarity from D66 President Rob Jetten and from D66 Interior Minister Kajsa Ollongren what this proposal means for the future nomination process Mayor

Senator and former VVD Mayor Helmi Huijbregts-Schiedon said his fraction is divided. CDA Senator Ton Rombouts, also a former mayor, is not yet convinced. Both groups want more clarity on the future procedure.

Jetten's proposal allows the mayor to be elected by the citizen in the future. At the same time, D66 does not want to anticipate the future aspect of the appointment. In this way, the party hopes to take a first step towards an elected mayor.

The Senate is threatened by an exciting atmosphere

The attitude of both parties in the coalition makes the vote on the constitutional amendment very exciting next Tuesday. The proposal has already been adopted by both Houses with the required two-thirds majority, but as the Constitution needs to be amended, a new reading by the newly elected House of Representatives and the Senate is needed.

The faction of the Senate of the VVD voted in first reading. with the proposal. The CDA party was opposed to the time. In January of this year, all parties in the Lower House, with the exception of the SGP, voted for the appointment of a new mayor. VVD and CDA were also in favor. It is precisely the fact that the proposal did not prejudge the chosen mayor has been favorably received by the lower house.

Last week, 31 mayors, including Ahmed Aboutaleb (Rotterdam), but also D66's Onno van Veldhuizen (Enschede), sent a protest letter. in the Senate with the call to vote against the proposal.

To the question, the senator of the CDA, Rombouts, mayor of Den Bosch until a year ago, said that he could have signed the letter of revocation to the post of mayor. "But here I am as a senator and I judge the constitutional aspects," says Rombouts.

D66 does not want a new "Nacht van Van Thijn"

Jetten and Ollongren will look into Senate fractional issues later in the evening. This is not the first time that D66 is trying to change the mayor's appointment. In 2005, Thom de Graaf, then minister of the D66, tried to present the chosen mayor.

This proposal was blocked by the Senate, in which the books bore the title "Van Thijn Night". Coalition partner PvdA, led by Senator Ed van Thijn, voted against, fearing administrative chaos if citizens could choose their own mayor in the short term.

De Graaf resigned and it would be years before D66 attempted another attempt. do something about the "appointment to the crown"

The new proposal does not speak of a chosen mayor, although it is a long cherished wish of D66. The coalition agreement therefore opted for the "de-constitutionalization of the appointment of the mayor".

The Senate wants clarification on the future

In this way, the Senate does not have to worry about any alleged administrative chaos that may occur. The proposal opens the door to a number of possible changes to the mayor's appointment.

A burgomaster elected directly by the citizen is such an option, as is the possibility that the municipal council elects the citizen father. The largest party in the municipal elections where the mayor was elected is also part of the options.

However, the bill does not advance this discussion. The appointment, suspension and dismissal of the mayor and the king's commissioner will be determined "in accordance with procedures to be determined by law". Several senators are not satisfied and want Jetten and Ollongren to clarify things.

Other senators do not understand the concern because the law in force remains in force until a different procedure is established in a democratic way.

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