Warning signs on Veluwe against African swine fever


PUTTEN The province of Gelderland places fifty warning signs along provincial roads, especially on the Veluwe. We warn the panels to leave no food in the nature. ,, This mainly concerns pork, for example a slice of ham on the sandwich. Breastfeeding foods from high-risk countries such as Romania could be a source of contamination for African swine fever, "says the province.

The signs are the same as those of Rijkswaterstaat along the national highways. of Gelderland co-ordinated their installation with the Ministry of Agriculture Nature and Food Quality (LNV) The provinces and the government collaborate closely

PUG AFRICAN PIG In Belgium, African swine fever (ASF) has been found in wild boars The virus is highly contagious and often fatal for pigs and wild boars An outbreak of avian influenza can have serious consequences, as there is no treatment or vaccine against this disease. Low, no infected boar has been found.For humans, the virus is harmless.

You will find more information about African swine fever r this page website.

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