Wearable smart should warn against epileptic seizures at night


W scientists from the Eindhoven University of Technology have created a smart wearable technology that must detect nocturnal epileptic seizures. The smart bracelet detects 85% of all heavy attacks, according to the university on its website. In their own words, this score is far better than other technologies currently on the market

One of the leading causes of death in patients with epilepsy is SUDEP – unexpected sudden death in epilepsy. There are different techniques for monitoring people at night, but many attacks are always missed.


Scientists have therefore created a bracelet recognizing two essential characteristics of a serious attack. This involves an abnormally fast heart rate and rhythmic jerky movements. In these cases, the bracelet sends a wireless alarm to the nurses.

The bracelet, called Nightwatch, was tested on 28 patients for an average of 65 nights per patient. The device can only sound an alarm during a serious attack. Patients were also filmed for possible false alerts or seizures by Nightwatch

. 85% of serious attacks were detected by the bracelet, as well as 96% of the most serious ones. The device missed about one serious attack per patient by an average of 25 nights. The test subjects also stated that they had no problem with the bracelet and that the nurses were also optimistic about it. Teacher. dr. Dr. Johan Arends expects a two-thirds reduction in the number of cases falling under the system. However, this also depends on the speed and relevance of nurses' interventions to alarms. But if used globally, it could save thousands of lives

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