Why your night cough is always so much worse


You recognize it: all day, you walk with an annoying cough. And as soon as you go to bed, it seems to be a thousand times more intense. But how is it that coughing is always worse at night?

First of all, it is important to know that such an embarrassing cough is usually caused by a cold. As soon as you lie down, the mucus released by a cold will run down your throat. As a result, some nerves are stimulated, which can cause severe coughing.

Air dry

In addition, the air is often drier during the night. We usually do this ourselves. For example, by activating the heating in your room, you can extract the moisture from the air, with all its consequences. Your airways and mucous membranes must work very hard in this dry air, which makes your body more mucus. This mud slides down your throat and causes coughing …

What can you do?

You can not completely avoid nocturnal coughing, but you can make yourself even more pleasant. For example, place an extra pillow under your head so that it does not sit flat and mucus can stimulate your nerves. It can also help to invest in a good humidifier. If you prefer not to spend too much money, you can always take refuge in simpler ways. Buy a nasal spray or apply Vicks Vaporub on your chest.

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Source | popsugar.co.uk
Photo iStock

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