"Will the doctor make me better?" Doctors examine young patients with Q fever


Emma also reacted with pleasure. Her mother: "She said: this doctor will he look at me and maybe heal me, I said: we hope."

The news from Utrecht follows the news that the province of Brabant is putting a ton at the disposal of research on Q fever. Q fever erupted in 2007 on a goat farm in Herpen. An estimated 45,000 people have been infected with the bacteria that cause Q fever. A number of infected people have developed chronic Q fever, which can also cause problems later.

Future of patients with Q fever
Mother van der Pluijm states: "They will monitor the children.Every year, research must be linked to determine if there are drugs and if treatment is possible, so that children with Q fever have a future. "

Parents of children with chronic fatigue complain about the hospital doctors themselves. Utrecht has approached. They indicated that they first wanted to see the children and investigate them to determine if Q fever could be causing their symptoms. If this is the case, a much longer and more thorough investigation can be conducted with sufficient financial means.

ALSO READ : The youngest patient with Q fever asks for support: wear a pink-purple crosspin in your hair on Wednesday

Much more work to be done [19659004] The Q-support is a support- and point of advice and source of information for all professionals who play a role in the counseling and guidance of patients with Q fever. Alfons Olde Loohuis is medical advisor to the foundation. He reacted nuancedly to the news from Utrecht: "It's a very good start, but we're not there yet. To do good scientific research, you still need a lot of money, but you have to think about four hundred thousand extra euros. Children with Q fever are still very little known and it was even assumed that children could not complain in the long term about Q fever infection, so further research is needed. "

Listen to the radio conversation with mother Angela van der Pluijm and more info

A spokesman for the UMC confirms that it actually takes a lot of money. money for further research Angela van der Pluijm from Hank launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for research on young patients with Q fever. required tons must be met is not clear.

ALSO READ: What about Emma, ​​age 6, the youngest patient with Q fever in the Netherlands?

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