Young people usually post moderate messages about alcohol on social media


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Researchers at the University of Amsterdam published research results on "alcohol positions" published by young people in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and Cyber ​​Psychology. Although alcohol messages are now part of the daily social life of young people, messages with moderate content prevail. The two scientific articles are based on a four-year research project

Despite the negative perception of alcohol consumption and the ubiquitous consumption of alcohol is also becoming more and more reflected on social media such as Facebook and Instagram Research shows that many young people post messages related to alcohol, ranging from 36% to 96%.

Access to Facebook or Instagram profiles of nearly 200 young participants The researchers evaluated the extent to which alcohol reports were displayed and the type of alcohol messages that the messages conveyed. All the images were analyzed on the social context, the presence of the people and the reactions to the messages. They noted that:

  • mainly alcoholic messages are placed, in which alcohol plays a role in the background,
  • there are hardly any extreme reports about drunk people or gambling of drinking
  • has a positive social context, in which we often see people drinking a glass,
  • alcohol messages are more often placed by others on the chronology of participants than by the participants themselves same
  • receive non-social messages

The researchers conclude that alcohol messages on social media are part of the everyday social life of young people and are embedded in a broader social context. At the same time, positive associations with alcohol seem more visible than negative associations, which can lead to an underestimation of the risks of alcohol consumption.

Researcher Hanneke Hendriks of the University of Amsterdam also develops an intervention plan. alcohol-related exchanges on social media. In this intervention plan, the focus is on the broader social context in which these reports on alcohol are placed. The plan should educate youth on the fact that alcohol-related messages on social media can have unintended negative effects and that it is wise to avoid these messages completely

] source: University of Amsterdam, 24/07/18


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