New COVID-19 In-Store Guidelines for Jackson County


MEDFORD, Oregon – Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s two-week “freeze” is scheduled to end on Wednesday. However, counties that do not live up to the new guidelines could be subject to even more restrictions.

The freeze order was implemented to slow the rise of COVID-19 in Oregon. Ideally, the order would last two weeks, and end on December 2nd. However, counties that still had high infection rates after the two-week period could face even more restrictions. This is the case for Jackson County, which is still below the “extreme risk” level, according to the Oregon Health Authority.

As of December 3, the following guidelines will likely be in place in Jackson County until it is out of the extreme risk category or the rules change:

  • Indoor recreation facilities like gymnasiums and theaters will be closed
  • Personal care services like salons and hair salons may remain open
  • Outdoor recreation and entertainment facilities such as zoos and swimming pools will be limited to a maximum of 50 people at a time.
  • Restaurants and bars will be limited to outdoor dining with a maximum of six people / two households per table. Capacity is limited to 50 people and closing time must be 11:00 p.m.
  • Long-term care facilities are limited to outpatient visits only
  • Grocery stores, pharmacies, retail stores and malls will be limited to 50% of their capacity and curbside pickup will be encouraged
  • Offices are required to make working from home as easy as possible and to close buildings to the public
  • Indoor and social gatherings at home should not have more than six people in total, with no more than two households present
  • Home and outdoor social gatherings should not have more than six people in total, with no more than two households present
  • Faith-based institutions, funeral homes, mortuaries and cemeteries are limited to a maximum of 150 people outdoors, 100 people or 25% maximum capacity indoors
  • Homeless shelters, youth programs, child care, K-12 schools, higher education, drive-in activities and the current Division 1 exemptions for professional athletics will operate according to sector guidelines for all levels of risk

For more information, visit or call 211.

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