New Daily COVID-19 Infections Grows Again 3,000 In Pennsylvania, 22 More Die: Daily Update


Pennsylvania recorded 2,795 new COVID-19 infections and 22 additional deaths on Tuesday, bringing the state’s toll to 28,098.

The number of hospitalizations with COVID-19 rose to 1,534, an increase of 36 since Monday. That includes 427 in intensive care, up from 410 a day earlier.

In Pennsylvania, like much of the country, the situation amounts to a race between the highly contagious delta variant and the effort to vaccinate enough people.

About 81% of adults in Pennsylvania aged 18 or older have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 65% are fully immunized.

Still, there are fears that children returning to school may accelerate Pennsylvania’s push that began in early July after levels of new infections and hospitalizations plummeted to levels not seen since the start of the pandemic. .

Pennsylvania had one of the biggest immunization days of the past month on Friday, delivering 10,477 first doses and 11,603 second doses. These figures cover all counties except Philadelphia, which has its own vaccination program.


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