New shootings plunge Biden, Congress into gun control debate


President BidenJoe Biden Good luck, Dan Bongino! The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden’s next act: massive infrastructure plan with tax hikes Conservative group says poll shows Dems voting rights bill ‘out of sync with American voters ” READ MORE Tuesday urged Congress to pass meaningful gun reforms after the second mass shooting in less than a week, throwing Washington back into a familiar debate where lawmakers have stalled in recent years.

Eight people in the Atlanta area and 10 people in Boulder, Colo. Have been killed in the most recent shootings, but there was little sign it would move the needle in Congress – although political leaders who support gun reforms noted that the United States is the only country in the world that continually suffers from mass shootings.

There had been no mass shooting for a year as much of the country stayed home after work and school during the pandemic, a fact noted with regret by former President Obama.

“A once-in-a-century pandemic cannot be the only thing slowing down mass shootings in this country,” Obama, who failed to convince Congress to move forward with significant reforms after the Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school shooting in 2012, said in a statement.

“We shouldn’t have to choose between one type of tragedy and another. It’s time for leaders around the world to listen to the American people when they say enough is enough – because it’s a standard we can no longer afford, ”he said.

Biden, in remarks from the White House, urged Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and to fill in the gaps in firearms background checks.

President of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dick durbinDick Durbin Meet the Make the Senate Great Again Caucus Sunday shows preview: Biden administration grapples with border wave; US mourns victims of Atlanta Hillicon Valley shooting: Senate Republicans call for a hearing on Google’s Obama-era FTC decision | US Network At Increasing Risk Of Cyber ​​Attacks, GAO Says | YouTube rolls out rival TikTok in the United States READ MORE (Ill.), Senate Democrat No. 2, called for a “moment of action” in addition to a minute of silence to address the “epidemic” of gun violence in the United States.

Republicans have been silent in their comments, however, with the Senate Minority Leader Mitch mcconnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden’s Next Act: Massive Infrastructure Plan With Tax Hikes Senate Republicans Torn By Return Of Brands The Memo: Trump Fights To Stay Relevant MORE (R-Ky.) Calling on Democrats to eliminate filibustering in prosecution comments. McConnell did not use his speaking time to address the shooting. He later condemned the shootings and said he was open to discussing gun reform, but recognized “deep philosophical differences” between Democrats and Republicans on how to tackle gun violence.

On Tuesday, at a Senate hearing on gun violence reduction, Sen. Ted cruzRafael (Ted) Edward Cruz The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden’s next act: massive infrastructure plan with tax hikes Senate Republicans torn by return of credits Trump steps up and asserts power in GOP MORE (R-Texas) accused Democrats of “ridiculous drama” by offering universal background checks and other measures.

“Every time there is a shootout, we play this ridiculous theater where this committee meets and comes up with a bunch of laws that would do nothing to stop these killings,” Cruz said during the Judicial Commission hearing of the Senate. He accused Democrats of trying to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.

Given the glaring differences on display, a senior Obama administration official expressed skepticism that the recent shootings would influence the debate.

“After El Paso and Dayton, it’s very clear that nothing is going to sway congressional Republicans over gun control,” the former official said, referring to the 2019 mass shootings that took place unless one day apart.

When asked on a subsequent trip to Columbus, Ohio, if he had the political capital to advance firearms measures, Biden replied that he hoped so and came across fingers.

“I don’t know. I haven’t counted yet,” Biden replied.

Congress passed a federal assault weapons ban in 1994 when Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, but the law was written to expire after 10 years. Since then, lawmakers have renewed calls for a ban on assault weapons following mass shootings, but have not gained popularity.

A 2019 House bill that attracted 216 co-sponsors failed to get a floor vote, even though Democrats had a majority in the lower house.

Biden’s call for further reforms included a demand that the Senate “immediately pass” two bills approved by the House earlier this year that would expand background checks on firearms sales.

“This is not and should not be a partisan issue; it is an American problem. It will save lives, American lives, and we have to act, ”Biden said, noting that the House bills had received some Republican support.

Majority leader in the Senate Charles SchumerChuck Schumer Democrats make low-tax states an offer they should turn down Biden must keep health care promises FEMA suspends flood insurance rate update after return of Schumer: report FIND OUT MORE (DN.Y.) has promised swift action on the legislation, which would strengthen the background check and close the so-called Charleston loophole by extending the time federal investigators have to complete the background check from three to 10 days.

Eight GOP lawmakers voted for background check legislation that would require unauthorized or private sellers to perform a check before transferring a gun. Two House Republicans backed the bill to close the Charleston loophole.

Democrats also believe they have a chance to take advantage of a weakened National Rifle Association. The gun advocacy group filed for bankruptcy and announced in January that it would reincorporate in Texas and leave New York. He also faces a civil lawsuit from New York Attorney General Letitia James (D).

Democrats face hurdles to pass a 50-50 Senate gun control measure, where they need at least 10 Republican votes to end debate on the legislation provided every Democrat votes in favor bills, unless a gun control measure is attached to a bill passed. thanks to budget reconciliation.

His. Joe manchinJoe Manchin’s The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden’s Next Act: Massive Infrastructure Plan With Tax Hikes Senate Confirms Marty Walsh As Biden’s Labor Secretary In The White House, Eyes Scanning The T PLUS Spending Proposal (DW.Va.) told reporters on Tuesday he did not support legislation passed by the House expanding background checks, suggesting it should include a broader exemption for arms transfers between people who know each other .

“I come from a gun culture. And I’m a law-abiding gun owner, I would do the right thing, you have to assume we will do the right thing, “Manchin said.

Manchin reiterated his support for a bill he had previously proposed with the senator. Pat ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph Toomey Sasse reprimanded by Nebraska Republican Party over impeachment vote Philly GOP commissioner on censorship: “ I would suggest they censor Republican elected officials who lie ” Toomey censored by several county GOP committees of Pennsylvania on impeachment vote MORE (R-Pa.) That would extend the background check to all commercial firearms sales.

The White House is signaling that it will seek ways to act through executive action.

“We envision a range of levers, including working through legislation, including executive actions to address, obviously, not only gun safety measures, but violence in communities, so that has been the subject of discussion and will continue to be under discussion, “White House press secretary Jen psakiJen PsakiOn The Money: A new batch of stimulus payments to hit accounts Wednesday | Biden eyes T infrastructure package | Senate Confirms Walsh as White House Secretary of Labor Watch Spending Proposal Sweeping Texas Democrats’ Office Reveals Photos of Crowded Border Patrol Facility READ MORE told reporters aboard Air Force One following Biden’s remarks.

Psaki said White House officials believe they need to work on “multiple channels” at once.

The push for new gun measures may energize calls to remove or reform the legislative obstruction that requires 60 votes to end debate on most laws. Biden recently said he supported a return to “systematic obstruction” in which senators must be physically on the floor to speak in order to block legislation.

“The Americans made a decision on the background check. If filibuster is the only thing stopping a hugely popular proposal from becoming law, then it sure is – it should be part of the conversation about why the rules need to change, ”he added. . Chris murphyChristopher (Chris) Scott Murphy It’s walking: it’s madness Democratic lawmaker “ held back tears ” during visit to border facility Democrats play defense in border crisis EN KNOW MORE (D-Conn.) Told reporters.

Alex Gangitano and Jordain Carney contributed reporting.


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