New study confirms dieting is not the best way to lose weight


It has been said that it is not possible to train yourself to a good diet, but today, researchers have found evidence that it was actually the opposite. In other words, regular exercise will do you more good than a controlled diet.

The notion of eating healthy and staying active as a combination always sounds, but what we know now is that dieting is not the most effective way to get the torn summer body that you are looking for. This surprising new discovery comes from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, a group that says exercise not only helps you lose weight, it also helps you keep it off longer.

The researchers came to this conclusion by studying a group of people who were consistently able to lose weight. Their results showed that the people who best maintained their weight loss were those who regularly engaged in physical activities to maintain their energy balance, that is to say, their energy intake. What did they conclude? Staying active is a more effective strategy than systematically reducing your food intake.

"This study addresses the difficult question of why so many people struggle to keep their weight for a long time. By proving that a group of people who maintain their weight loss successfully engage in strenuous physical activity to avoid regaining weight – rather than chronically restricting their energy intake – is a step forward in clarifying the relationship between exercise and maintenance of weight loss "Danielle Ostendorf, PhD student at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, said.

The study was one of the few that examined total daily energy expenditure in individuals of reduced weight using a specific proven method – urine samples. More specifically, the researchers were able to measure the amount of energy burned by the subject in their urine samples. In an adjacent study comparing those struggling to lose weight with the body mass index of those people who maintained weight loss, the researchers found an interesting element regarding their eating habits.

"Our results suggest that this group of people who maintain weight loss successfully consumes a number of calories a day equivalent to that of overweight and obese individuals, but seems to avoid gaining weight by compensating for that by a level of weight loss." high physical activity, "said Victoria A. Catenacci, MD, weight management specialist physician and researcher at CU Anschutz Medical Campus.

Now, we do not recommend eating junk food every day in the hope that everything will be fine for you once a week, but we recommend a balance. The study did not specify whether the weight loss makers were civilians or athletes, so the results can be subjective. Nevertheless, it is good to know that the next time someone tells you that you can not train with a good diet, you can answer "well, actually …".

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