New study finds antibodies to fight COVID-19 infection can last over a year


A new peer-reviewed study has confirmed what several researchers and even some medical professionals have said from the start: Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus retain the antibodies to continue fighting it – often for several months. after their initial infection.

Just The News reports that the European Journal of Immunology accepted a September 24 study of scientists at the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, who studied 1,292 subjects eight months after infection for the presence of antibody.

The researchers found that 96% of their test subjects still carried antibodies and 66% still had the nucleoprotein IgG antibody. The Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody helps your immune system remember how to fight infections like the COVID-19 virus.

But the research of Finnish scientists went even further. They randomly selected 367 subjects from the original study group who had not been vaccinated for a year after their infection. Scientists found that 89% of subjects still had neutralizing antibodies and 36% still had IgG antibodies, according to Just The News.

Subjects who had severe COVID-19 infection had higher antibody levels, two to seven times more antibodies than those who had mild infections at least 13 months after contracting the disease, noted the study.

Even though the antibodies provided lasting protection against the COVID virus, their ability to fight off the Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants declined over a period of several months. However, the neutralizing antibodies “were only slightly reduced” in the Alpha variant and “significantly decreased” in the Beta variant. But “more than 80% of subjects who recovered from a severe infection” with COVID-19 still had neutralizing antibodies against the Delta variant one year after being infected, the study said.

Natural immunity to the COVID-19 virus has been touted by some healthcare professionals throughout the pandemic.

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, told CBN News in September that besides taking the vaccine, another way to gain immunity is through natural means.

β€œI think we have to recognize that people who have immunity acquired through infection, that immunity is long lasting, and it seems to be quite robust,” he said. “I think the question from a clinical point of view is how long is it going to last.”

As CBN News reported in August, a George Mason University (GMU) law professor who sued the school for its COVID-19 vaccine tenure ultimately obtained a medical exemption from the school.

Todd Zywicki, a law professor at the school in Fairfax, Va., Said he has COVID-19 and has conquered it, so his natural immunity, he argued, should keep him from have to get vaccinated.

According to University Business, Zywicki claimed the school’s vaccination mandate was excessive because he already had natural immunity from the antibodies he acquired after successfully recovering from the virus. His lawyers have revealed that Zywicki had performed six tests to prove these antibodies were still active in his immune system.

Dr Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, told CBN News in late June that medical experts were wrong in dismissing natural immunity to the virus.

β€œIt is one of the biggest failures of our medical establishment to reject natural immunity,” he told CBN News, pointing to two new studies that show its effectiveness. “It works. It’s long lasting. You may not need the vaccine and it’s probably long lasting. It’s probably lifelong.”

In a US News & World Report editorial published later in August, Makary said that an Israeli study showed that natural immunity is 6.7 times that of vaccinated people.

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