New study identifies biggest risk factors for death from COVID-19



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COVID-19 hospital patients have a greater risk of dying if they are men or if they are obese or if they have complications from diabetes or hypertension, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM). In a study published in the journal Clinical infectious diseases, researchers evaluated nearly 67,000 hospital patients for COVID-19 at 613 hospitals across the country to determine the link between some common patient characteristics and the risk of dying from COVID-19.

Their analysis found that men had a 30% higher risk of dying than women of the same age and health status. Hospital patients who were obese, had hypertension, or poorly managed diabetes had a higher risk of dying compared to those who did not have these conditions. People aged 20 to 39 with these conditions had the greatest difference in their risk of dying compared to their healthier peers.

“Predicting which COVID-19 hospital patients have the greatest risk of dying has taken on urgent importance as cases and hospitalizations in the United States continue to rise to record high numbers during the month of December,” said corresponding study author Anthony D., MPH, professor of epidemiology and public health at UMSOM. “Knowledge is power in many ways, so I think understanding which COVID-19 hospital patients are most at risk of death can help guide difficult treatment decisions.”

For example, patients at higher risk may be given remdesivir earlier in their hospitalization to help prevent serious complications or may be considered for closer monitoring or admission to intensive care. Healthcare providers may also want to consider these risks when determining which COVID-19 patients could benefit the most from newer monoclonal antibody treatments which, if given in the early days of infection, may. reduce the risk of hospitalization.

Age has remained the best predictor of mortality from COVID-19. Overall, nearly 19% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 died of their infection with the lowest mortality among pediatric patients, which was less than 2%. Death rates increased with each decade of life with the highest mortality, 34 percent, among those 80 and over.

“Older patients still have the highest risk of dying, but younger patients with obesity or hypertension have the highest risk of dying compared to other patients their age without these conditions,” he said. said study lead author Katherine E. Goodman, JD, Ph.D., postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at UMSOM. “Doctors may want to pay special attention to these younger patients when they are hospitalized to ensure that they quickly detect any complications.”

The researchers also found good news in the results of their study. Death rates among hospitalized patients have dropped dramatically since the first weeks of the pandemic in April. This is likely due to the availability of new treatments and a better understanding of the medical community on how to properly manage and care for hospital patients.

“As we head into what could be the darkest weeks of the pandemic, it is reassuring to know that our researchers continue to make important advances that could help guide the decision-making skills of health workers in the field.” said E. Albert Reece, MD, Ph.D., MBA, executive vice president for medical affairs, UM Baltimore, and distinguished professor John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers and dean of the medical school of the ‘University of Maryland. “I am incredibly proud of our teachers and what they have accomplished to help save the lives of patients with COVID-19 as we eagerly await a vaccine.”

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More information:
Clinical infectious diseases (2020). DOI: 10.1093 / cid / ciaa1787

Provided by the University of Maryland School of Medicine

Quote: New study identifies greatest risk factors for death from COVID-19 (December 18, 2020) retrieved December 19, 2020 from -.html

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