New Study Reveals Exercising This Way May Increase Your Cognitive Abilities


Running will not help you lose weight; weights will. This idea has become popular over the last few years. However, a new study presented at the 2019 ECNP Congress in Copenhagen has shown that – if you want to maintain (or increase) your cognitive abilities – you'd better persist with that bloody treadmill.

While it's no secret that you can clear your mind and improve your mood, it has never been conclusively linked to boosting your brainpower. That can be changed after a group of German scientists have just discovered that

The research team believes that you can improve your physical fitness and improve your ability to solve problems. Published in the Nature Research journal, the scientists set out to read about the existing literature, which has a focus on the exercise and behavior and behavior.

To do this, the researchers used a public accessible database of 1,206 MRI scans, taken from the Human Connectome Project, a volunteer program in which they contributed their MRIs to a database for the purpose of scientific research, and of which the average volunteer was 30-years-old.

To counteract variables previous studies have failed to take into account, the researched MRI volunteers for their physical fitness, memory, reasoning, sharpness, and judgment.

"The great strength of this work is the size of the database. Normally when you're dealing with MRI work, a sample of 30 is pretty good, but the existence of this large MRI database is much more important, "said team leader Dr. Jonathan Repple, of University Hospital. Muenster, Germany.

The first significant finding was made by young people, who were able to distance themselves within the limits of their cognitive performance tests. Adding to this, the fittest participants also displayed better structural integrity of white matter (a substance which helps improve the speed and quality of interconnecting cerebral nerves).

"It's a cognitive decline," Dr. Repple said. "We knew how to be so important in an elderly population that does not need to be good, but to see this happening in 30-year-olds is surprising."

"This leads us to believe that a basic level of fitness seems to be preventable risk factor for brain health."

As reported by Study Finds"Moving forward, the research team wants to continue investigating the effects of physical fitness on brain functioning. More specifically, they would like to consider changes in brain structure and performance among people who have never been better.

Now, as Dr. Repple puts it, "This type of study raises an important question. We see that fitter people have better brain health, so we need to improve their brain health. Finding this out is our next step. There are some trials which point in that direction, but if we can get this using such a large database, this would be very significant ".

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