New study reveals shocking revelation about overeating and obesity


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Conventional wisdom on weight gain and obesity has long pointed to the so-called “energy balance pattern” as the root cause, which means you are consuming more calories than you are burning. But a new perspective published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition disputes this assumption, claiming that it’s not how much you eat that causes weight gain. Instead of, it is what you eat that is the culprit because of the way your body reacts to it.

They suggest that foods with a high glycemic load (think highly processed and easily digestible carbohydrates) eaten in excess trigger a carbohydrate-insulin reaction that alters metabolism in a way that promotes fat storage and overall weight gain.

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Here’s how it works: When we eat highly processed carbohydrates, the body increases insulin secretion and suppresses a hormone called glucagon, which is used to break down glycogen, the stored form of glucose that is used as fuel for the body. This process of increasing insulin and removing glucagon sends a message to fat cells to store more calories. At the same time, the brain increases hunger signals because it senses that there is not enough incoming energy.

a box filled with different types of chocolate coated donuts: donuts

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The result? You stay hungry even if you eat enough, which can lead to excess fat. In addition, you could eat fewer calories and continue to see your weight increase.

This model is not new, the researchers suggest, and actually dates from the early 1900s. What is new here is that the 17 scientists who drafted this perspective now have enough clinical evidence to back this up. theory as the main cause of weight gain than the “calories in, calories out” model.

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a person standing in front of a refrigerator: There is a common misconception that eating too close to bedtime will lead to weight gain.  While eating at night is a habit that can contribute to weight gain, especially when it contributes to overconsumption of calories for the day, eating certain foods before bed may actually provide some benefits.  If you're looking for an after dinner snack before heading to the bag, protein is your best bet.  Fortunately, proteins come in all shapes and sizes.  From plant sources to animal sources, from hard textures to liquids, here's why protein is the best food to eat before bed.  Read on and to learn more about how to eat healthy, make sure to avoid these 100 Most Unhealthy Foods on the Planet.  Read the original article on Eat This, Not That!

While these researchers note that more studies will need to be done to test both models, there are good reasons to consider focusing on dropping highly processed carbohydrates in the interim.

“These foods generally lack a high fiber content that aids digestion and keeps the body full longer,” says Shena Jaramillo, RD, registered dietitian at Peace and Nutrition. “This is another way they can contribute to unintentional weight gain.”

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Plus, focusing on cutting calories rather than changing food choices could lead to too much of a calorie deficit, she adds, and which tends to slow down your metabolism. Many people find themselves in a constant cycle of binge and restriction which can be problematic for their metabolism and can trigger cravings for foods high in fat and sugar for a quick energy boost.

That doesn’t mean you have to give up high glycemic index foods forever, adds dietitian Kara Hoerr, RDN. Eating a modest amount and pairing them with a healthy protein or fat can slow the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, she says. Another factor with what you eat, she suggests, is why.

“Often times, we eat because of emotions, like stress or boredom, even when we are not actually physically hungry,” she says. “During these times, our food choices are often fast-energy foods, like chips or chocolate. Continuing to eat emotionally or outside of our physical hunger can also lead to weight gain over time.”

The bottom line? Calories still matter, and probably always will, but taking a closer look at the “what” and “why” of your diet could make a big difference in determining whether you’re gaining weight.

To learn more, be sure to check out popular foods that increase visceral fat, says the dietitian. So, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter.

Read the original article on Eat this, not that!


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