New study says eating just one hot dog cuts your life by 35 minutes


Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, claim that eating a single hot dog cuts a person’s life by 36 minutes, according to a recent Fox News report. .

What are the details?

The study’s authors explained that their recently released nutritional index aims to educate Americans on how to achieve “healthier and more environmentally stable diets,” the outlet reported.

Among those in the danger zone of the clue were hot dogs, sugary drinks such as soda and breakfast sandwiches among the biggest offenders.

Fruits, non-starch and mixed vegetables, and cooked grains were among the best health advocates.

According to the outlet, the researchers determined that consuming a single 85-gram serving of chicken wings reduced approximately 3.3 minutes of life, while an all-beef hot dog resulted in a loss of 36. minutes “largely because of the detrimental effect of processed meat”.

However, consuming a peanut butter and jelly sandwich increased a person’s life by 33 minutes, and other foods such as “salted peanuts, baked salmon, and rice with beans. “also recorded gains between 10 and 15 minutes.

What did the authors say?

“We use the results to inform marginal food substitutions, which are realistic and achievable,” the authors wrote. “We are finding that small, targeted substitutions at the food level can provide compelling nutritional benefits and reduced environmental impact.”

“Previous studies of healthy or sustainable diets have often narrowed their results down to a discussion of plant-based foods versus foods of animal origin, the latter being stigmatized as the least nutritious and sustainable,” part of the study, published in the August 2021 issue of Nature Food, said. “Although we find that plant-based foods generally work best, there is considerable variation within plant and animal-based foods that should be recognized before such generalized inferences are substantiated.”

The researchers also concluded that swapping 10% of daily calorie intake from foods such as beef, processed meats, and other highly refined unhealthy foods, for other higher quality foods like green leafy vegetables. leaves, nuts, etc. Fox News added.

This story has been updated.


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