New York 'destroyed by an asteroid & # 39; in an international simulation


"The small asteroid will enter the Earth's atmosphere at 19 km / s on April 29," a fictional statement said.

It's about 20,000 times bigger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II.

On the final day of the conference, participants "discussed the financial, economic, and human consequences of impacting a large, densely populated area such as New York City," according to NASA.

"Bringing together the disaster management community and the scientific community is essential to prepare for a potential impact on asteroids in the future," said Leviticus Lewis of FEMA's Operations Operations Division.

During a legal debate on the last day, it would have been determined that the United States would be financially and legally liable for the damage, being the country that launched the defective deflector.

"This exercise is valuable in that it continues work in progress to identify key issues and issues for this low-probability but high-consequence scenario."

"This exercise will help us develop more effective communications with each other and with our governments," said NASA's Global Defense Officer Lindley Johnson last week.

Previous exercises at the IAA conferences on global defense have seen Dhaka and the Azure Coast destroyed. In 2017, they managed to save Tokyo.

At the next simulation – the 2021 conference in Vienna – a European goal should be on the line of fire.



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