New Zealand minister calls pro-plague absurd parents anti-vaxx – RT World News


The New Zealand Minister of Education said that parents who chose not to vaccinate their children were "pro-plague", while he was frustrated by the refusal to vaccinate children.

Education Minister Chris Hipkins made the comments while criticizing the suggestion of a New Zealand health board that unvaccinated children would stay home after school. for two weeks after confirmed cases of measles at the local level. Hipkins said that the right to education should not be denied to children of anti-vaxxers because they deserve the most to be "learn science. "

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"People who are anti-vaccination are pro-plague. It's a ridiculous position, it's not based on science"Said Hipkins.Children should not be excluded from their studies because their parents are sympathetic to the plague. "

Hipkins went on to criticize "ridiculous"Parents being"irresponsible" immunizing their children and advocating with anti-vaxxers to change their position before the country faces a measles epidemic such as that seen in the United States.

Asked about the issue, New Zealand Premier Jacinda Ardern agreed with Hipkins and added that people should take advantage ofmodern medicine to try to protect children from diseases that can cause serious damage or death. "

READ MORE: A measles epidemic poised to break an annual record for ten years in the first months of 2019

The current measles epidemic in the United States is about to become the most serious since the highly infectious disease was declared eliminated in the country in 2000, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The recent epidemic has been blamed on the larger anti-vaccination movement.

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