Newly prescribed medications for ADHD may cause psychosis, study finds


DETROIT – Teens and young adults recently prescribed medication for attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder are at higher risk for psychosis, according to a large study by Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital of Belmont, Massachusetts,

published in the New England Journal of Medicine


Question: What drugs are causing this problem and what is the risk of psychosis?

The risk of psychosis really depends on the medication. The researchers therefore examined two classes of drugs used to treat ADHD: amphetamines, marketed under the names of Adderall and Vyvanse, and methylphenidates, marketed under the names of Ritalin and Concerta. The study now focuses on more than 221,000 people to whom these drugs were first prescribed and aged 13 to 25 years. And overall, one in 660 patients had an episode of psychosis shortly after the start of a stimulant. But surprisingly, the researchers found a big difference between the two classes of drugs. Amphetamines actually double the risk of psychosis compared to methylphenidates. And the reason why this is worrying is that there are many more people diagnosed with ADHD. And the consumption of amphetamine in young adolescents and young adults has more than tripled over the years.

Question: Can you explain more about psychosis and what we could experience?

Psychosis is not good, it is that we lose contact with reality. Your thoughts and perceptions are disrupted and you can experience delusions, hallucinations, paranoia and possibly hearing voices. Recovery usually takes two weeks, but sometimes two months. That said, it is important to know that the overall risk of suffering from psychosis is still considered rare.

Question: What about people who are already taking amphetamines?

If you take Adderall or Vyvanse as prescribed and you are doing well, there is no reason to worry. The purpose of all this is to make new patients aware of the risk of psychosis. And to make sure that you or your loved one is properly diagnosed and that you have considered all treatment options, including behavioral therapy and non-stimulants, before taking these medications. And remember, it is very important to treat ADHD so that children and young adults can succeed in life. Because it is untreated, it can cause many social, academic and emotional difficulties.


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