Shiloh Apostolic to celebrate
93rd birthday this weekend
WEIRTON – The Shiloh Apostolic Faith Assembly, 3000 Weir Ave, Weirton, will celebrate its 93rd church anniversary on Saturday and Sunday.
The theme is “Bless the Lord, O my soul, I remember his blessings” of Psalm 103: 1-2.
On Saturday, a picnic for family and friends will be held in the JJ Gibson Fellowship Hall from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A brief program will include music and reflections from visiting members and friends.
Sunday at 12:30 p.m., Elder Litney Gray of New Bethel Church, Kansas City, Kansas, will be the guest speaker. She is the granddaughter of Leon and Carrie Good of Union, SC, and the great-granddaughter “From our pioneers, the late Deacon Willie and Mother Bertha Tucker.”
The event is open to the public. Reverend DW Cummings is the pastor of Shiloh. Rebecca “Tish” Turner is the program coordinator.
Hancock Museum Commission notes well-received series
NEW CUMBERLAND – The regular meeting of the Hancock County Museum Commission was held on August 5, chaired by President Vivian Weigel and Head of Flag Commitment.
The participants, besides Weigel, Marcus Trelaine, Janet Keller, Lois Carpini, Alice Mitchell, Robert Bailey and Doris Cameron.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed.
Treasurer Marcus Trelaine presented the financial statement which was filed for verification.
In the context of new business, it was noted that the summer lecture series was very well received and appreciated by many guests. Tim Brooks of East Liverpool was scheduled to present a program on “Pretty Boy Floyd” August 22 at the museum.
Paul Zuros de Weirton, Executive Director of Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. Third St., Steubenville, will offer a history of Fort Steuben on September 26. the last lecture of the season will be local ghost stories from the area for Halloween.
The Acquisitions Committee is working to update the museum’s current policies.
The gift of an ashtray from a Harden Road Inn and three local postcards was received from Thomas Cronin of St. Mary’s, W.Va., a former resident of the area. The secretary will acknowledge receipt of the gift.
Trelaine said he was assembling materials to submit 990 forms to the IRS to keep the records up to date. He indicated that Rohn Sambol would paint the steps soon.
The next meeting will be on September 2 at 6 p.m. at the museum. Visitors and guests are always welcome.
Four Seasons seniors enjoy entertainment, prizes
WEIRTON – Four Seasons seniors held their monthly reunion at Undo’s where President Gene Viola opened the meeting. Tony LaRosa delivered the opening and closing prayers. After dinner, the members were entertained by Jack Giacomel.
Guest Faith Melco was welcomed. August birthdays and anniversaries have been recognized. The group was made aware of the recovery maps that had been sent. Committee reports are read.
Joann Magnone donated a basket of assorted vegetables for a drawing which was won by Valerie Rowland. Marlene Dunn won the draw 50-50 and Carl Truax won the Undo gift card. The other winners were Helen Bayne, Pat Beltrame, Marie Scarfo, John Corrigan and Bev DiBaise.
The next meeting will be on September 15th. Your choice of dinner is chicken marsala or baked steak.
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