Newsom Recall Basics: How to Vote in California Elections | New


There will also be in-person polling stations that open on September 4, as well as drop boxes, with the exact number depending on where you live. You can verify your registration status here and can update your registration here. The registration deadline is August 30.

What will be on the ballot?

Two parts. The first requires a yes or no answer. He asks: “Will GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the post of governor?”

A yes vote is versus Newsom and must dismiss him from his post. A no vote is for Newsom and keep it governor.

The second part allows you to choose a replacement candidate from a list. He said: “The candidates for the succession of GAVIN NEWSOM as Governor if he is recalled:”

The list does not include Newsom, so you cannot vote for it.

Who is running to replace Governor Newsom?

The the final certified list of 46 includes Republican politicians, media celebrities, activists and Californians from all walks of life.

Can you write a replacement candidate?

Yes and no. You can write in any name you want. But for your vote to count, it has to be someone from the certified list. Written applicants have until August 31 to apply. Votes written for Newsom will also not be counted.

What happens after the elections?

If more than 50% of voters say no, Newsom continue as governor; his term of office ends on January 2, 2023.

If more than 50% of voters say yes, Newsom will be removed from office. Then whoever has the most votes among the replacement candidates – regardless of the number and even if they don’t get the majority – will become governor at the end of October for the remainder of Newsom’s mandate.

Should we vote on both parts?

No, you can vote for either – and your vote still counts. For example, you can vote against the removal of Newsom on the first question, but also ignore the choice of a potential replacement (which is Newsom and the party leaders tell the democrats to do).

But if I object to Newsom’s recall, can I still choose a replacement candidate?

Yes, a vote on the second question will not invalidate or affect your vote on the first.

Will there be state measures on the ballot?


Isn’t there an election for governor in 2022?

Yes, voters will pick someone for a full four-year term in November 2022. Newsom is already running.

For more information, there is a FQA of the Secretary of State, and an official reminder of the electoral calendar. For more information on voting in Santa Clara County, visit


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