Arctic Monkeys, at a show at Forest Hills Stadium in New York, did a cover of The Strokes' classic Is This It? & # 39;
During the recall, leader Alex Turner mentioned "We wanted to do a New York special for you and since we could not think of tennis songs …" The band then played " Is This It ? By The Strokes
Watch the video of the performance here
& # 39; Is This It? is a 2001 classic song by the New York City band The Strokes. The song, taken from the album of the same name, is considered an indie rock classic and has been part of The Strokes' live set list since its release.
Alex, the singer of Arctic Monkeys Turner is a noted fan of the band Julian Casablancas. In the first part of their new album Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino Turner sings: "I just wanted to be one of the Strokes, now look at the mess you made me do. In 2011, he spoke about his love of Is This It . Arctic monkeys have already covered " Take It Or Leave It & # 39; and & nbsp; Reptilia & # 39; .
Arctic Monkeys covered the Stroke in New York tonight and he was ??? pic.twitter.com/dtzkxGuA4z
– Rhian Daly (@rhian__) July 25, 2018
< ! –
Publication Date: Jul 26, 2018 3:40 PM
| Last Updated: Jul 26, 2018 15:40
Updated: Jul 26, 2018 3:40 PM
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