Brexit backdrop for the visit of Harry and Meghan to Ireland | Kingdom News


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, newly married, must report to neighbors, visiting the Republic of Ireland to empty the diplomatic balm on Brexit background.

A red carpet welcome awaits the couple as they arrive in Dublin Tuesday afternoon for their first official trip abroad as a married couple.

The visit is part of an embarrassment of royalty for Ireland, with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall visiting Kerry and Cork only last month.

The stopover visit of the newlyweds in Dublin, at the request of the British government, is not the first for the Duchess, although she faces a contrasting itinerary.

Then, as an actor who won an entertainment award in 2013 for her role in the US legal drama Suits, she tasted the city's nightlife, participated in a pint of Guinness. He competed with Ali Hewson, the wife of U2 singer Bono

. In agreement with many American celebrities, she has also managed to find distant Irish roots to embrace. "The side of my father's family is Irish," she told reporters at the time, explaining her enthusiasm for seeing the city.

This time she meets Irish President Michael Higgins and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar. She will also participate in a traditional summer garden party hosted by the British ambassador rather than by the Dicey's Garden and Krystle nightclubs.

The couple's itinerary, during their one-and-a-half day visit, includes Croke Park for a Gaelic sports festival, the famous Kells Books and the Irish Famine Memorial

. The diplomatic resonance of their visit should not be underestimated and the Irish leaders quickly emphasized its importance in the context of Brexit

. "Deploy the red carpet" for the couple and stressed the importance of the links between the two countries.

"I think that with the departure of the United Kingdom from Europe, we will really need to focus more on bilateral relations, and visits by the UK president or members of the United Kingdom. the royal family in Ireland to help "We will therefore roll out the red carpet and I think they will be extremely welcome."

Niall Gibbons, managing director of Tourism Ireland, said The visit was a " wonderful opportunity "to introduce Dublin and Ireland to a huge audience and give a boost to Irish tourism.

Kensington Palace said the couple" looked forward to learning more about History of Ireland.

In 2011, the Queen became the first British monarch to visit Ireland since her grandfather's visit, George V, in 1911.

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