Brittany Cartwright completely nailed Jax Taylor's birthday cake: "My fiancee knows me too well!"


The Vanderpump Rules Couple Celebrates Jax's 39th Anniversary

Jax Taylor recently shared what his ideal wedding cake looks like when he marries Brittany Cartwright – and he looks suspiciously like in the NHL Stanley Cup. So for the 39th birthday of her boyfriend (19459011) Vanderpump Rules (which falls on July 11th), Brittany knew that he would like a crazy cake, but she chose something closer to her heart for the design – a great cheeseburger!

"My fiance knows me too well !!" Jax tweeted with a photo of the magnificent creation.

This is a very good cake from a cheese burger, with a sesame seed bun, a slice of American cheese and a lettuce lettuce.

Jax also noted that he was looking forward to the "second round" Tuesday night – anyway more than epic cake will be on the menu. 19659010] !! (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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