Bucks Fizz singer recovers after cancer surgery


Bucks Fizz singer Jay Aston is recovering well after a seven-hour operation to treat oral cancer, with her husband saying that there is "fighting in the girl"

may lose her voice in June while she prepares to undergo surgery to remove some of her tongue.

Her colleague Cheryl Baker announced Tuesday that Aston had undergone surgery and was recovering at the hospital.

She posted a message from Jay Aston's husband, Dave, who said, "Jay is stable in intensive care …

" I'll be back in the morning … she knows you're all thinking about her is very brave … she is in good hands and all the surgery has proceeded as planned. "

A day later, Baker posted another update on the progress of the game. Aston's husband.

"Jay's recovery is quite positive," the message read. "Jay has gone from intensive care to the ward.It's a lot earlier than planned, so that's going to show the fight in the girl …

"Will continue the update but it looks very good."

Last week, Aston entered the studio to record new songs with his band The Fizz.

Aston won the Eurovision with Bucks Fizz in Dublin in 1981 with the song Making Your Mind Up .

In recent years, Aston and his Bucks Fizz teammates, Cheryl Baker and Mike Nolan, have performed under the name The Fizz, while former teammate Bobby G has rights to the name of Bucks Fizz.

Jay Aston with his girlfriend Cheryl Baker at the London Marathon in 2011

Baker and Nolan will finish recording the new Fizz music in the absence of Aston.

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