Evangeline Lilly went through a "rather dark period" with celebrity – 04-Jul-2018


She told People magazine: "I have never been seduced by the idea of ​​fame … [I went through] a rather dark period

" I had to make peace [with Hollywood] and embrace all things that made me uncomfortable. I had to find a place where I could be happy. And now I am very much. "

Meanwhile, the 38-year-old actress confessed that she would like to be" idolized "by the children.

She said," When I choose a role, one of the things I aspire for someone's parent to come to me after the movie is out and say, "My daughter idolizes this character." You are his hero. That's what we aim for, especially in this brand. We are in the business of making heroes.

"I think there is a lot of excitement on the part of the female audience about this character, in general, and the fact that Marvel really takes, really, female characters very seriously their line-up, you can see that they have great intentions.And as a woman who came in a predominantly male movie, I had a good time with (director) Peyton (Reed ) and the producers on this character because I could see a hunger in them for really, really doing well by Hope and by their female fans and by the female audience. "

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