Facebook was unable to remove the disturbing photo of his mother a few moments before committing suicide


The family of a mother of two from New Jersey who died last month is furious. Facebook has not removed a disturbing photo that she published a few moments before committing suicide.

Pamela Bryce-Elarabi died on June 23 at the New Jersey Hospital, a few hours after she posted a graphic image on her Facebook page to prepare to commit suicide, reports Daily Mail.

According to Market Watch, the photo was so overwhelming that his sister Gillian Luchejko called their brother and asked him When the brother arrived, friends who had seen the Elarabi post had already sent police and paramedics at his Hillsborough home.

Elarabi, who was a yoga instructor, was sent by Elarabi to New Jersey. She rushed to the hospital but died after her family made the difficult decision to take away the support of life. Several of her friends wrote in the comments section of her articles that the 49-year-old girl had hanged herself.

  Elarabi, who was a yoga instructor, died on June 23 at the age of 49 after she had committed suicide. Jersey at home. Photos / Facebook
Elarabi, who was a yoga instructor, died on June 23 at the age of 49 after she committed suicide in her New Jersey home. Photos / Facebook

Luchejko told Market Watch that he and his family were standing next to Elarabi in the hospital, they were bombarded with messages from worried friends who saw the image posted by Elarabi

was going on, and on what was wearing Facebook post, and I thought: "I can not answer you right now because she's dying," said Luchejko. "Everyone felt helpless."

The family said they contacted Facebook about the picture and more than 200 Elarabi's friends reported it to the directors, but the company did not dismount it.

Three days after her death, her 26-year-old daughter hacked into her mother's account and suppressed the message herself.

"It was very traumatic for her, her children are now traumatized because that's the last picture they've seen. their mother – they can not remember her as she was, "she said at the exit.

Luchejko said that before the post was removed, he was inundated with comments from people supporting the family through tragedy, not doing more to help Elarabi, who said that Luchejko was divorcing and had suffered depression all his life.

  The family said that other desperate messages Elarabi posted the day she took her life stay on her page.Photo / Facebook
The family said that other desperate messages Elarabi posted the day she took her own life remain on her page. / Facebook

According to Luchejko, a message was saying, "Why was no one there for you?" Another person posted "we all let you down." Luchejko said that somebody another wrote that suicide is a selfish choice.

She said that comments were have especially hard to see for the children of Elarabi.

"You do not know what is happening on Facebook". "Facebook is not the reality, sometimes people do not understand it: obviously, if someone is suicidal, he has reached a point of no return, and it is really difficult to recover it."

Luchejko says Facebook must have "

" They are trying to find out if we receive false news or spam, inappropriate messages or what to do in a dire situation Why is there no one to contact directly "Why is there no customer service phone number to say that it is an emergency?"

  Members of the family said that Elarabi was divorcing and that she had been battling depression all her life. Photo / Facebook
Family members said that Elarabi was divorcing and that she had been battling depression all her life. Photo / Facebook

A Facebook spokesperson told DailyMail.com that she could not comment specifically on the case of Elarabi because the photo was no longer featured on her Facebook page.

The help center of the site lists the steps that users must follow. or someone they know is experiencing suicidal thoughts. According to Facebook's guidelines, users must immediately contact local authorities and then contact the person concerned.

Facebook also asks users to post the content so that they can contact the person and provide him with useful information.

Luchejko said that other desperate messages shared Elarabi that day remain on his page. A post she wrote at 8:25, about half an hour before she was committing suicide, said "F *** this".

  Elarabi was a yoga enthusiast and shared the picture of her during a yoga even in New York day before she committed suicide. Photo / Facebook
Elarabi was a yoga enthusiast and shared the picture of her during a yoga even in New York a day before her suicide. Photo / Facebook

Earlier this day of June 22, Elarabi told his friends and family: "I'm trying to keep my cool … I've never been so upset about my life … I'm completely lost. "

also shared pictures of her trying out different yoga poses and at the Solstice Yoga Fest in New York. Some friends had commented on the image that told Elarabi how happy she looked

In a post last month, Elarabi commented on the Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade suicides encouraging anyone suffering from depression to ask for help. … then Anthony Bourdain?!?! Take it from someone who suffers from major depressive disorder and anxiety … there is help for those days when you can not stand it anymore, "she writes. [19659031] A month before she committed suicide, Elarabi had posted a message about the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain Photo / Facebook ” src=”” data-srcset=”//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/PQA1IWhw0e12vC1Vj4m7LVLnS90=/320×129/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/DZUFPD4XF5B7FJDICSJXLRMMRU.jpg 320w,//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/nrAhr9NYc99Kg8H4zT3rk9orYIE=/375×151/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/DZUFPD4XF5B7FJDICSJXLRMMRU.jpg 375w,//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/ZNlx5z30b_QmmI2on7YRhqvYGi4=/620×249/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/DZUFPD4XF5B7FJDICSJXLRMMRU.jpg 620w”/>

A month before committing suicide, Elarabi had posted a message about Kate's suicides Spade and Anthony Bourdain Photo / Facebook

"Those who know me well, know that I am this route and that I am currently suffering from a very bad part of my life, however, I refuse to be a statistic. Contact me !!! Everything except the "easy" exit … please !! It is never easy for anyone. "

The family said that they would not have a funeral for Elarabi.They will rather honor the yoga enthusiast and the loving mother during a private memorial on September 3, this which would have been her 50th birthday.

"She never believed that she was loved, which I think was part of the problem. It's good to know about all the people who loved him, the bestowal is simply wonderful, "said Luchejko.


Si If you are worried about your or someone else 's mental health, the best place to get help is your general practitioner or your local mental health provider. or someone else is in danger or endanger others, call 111.

If you need to talk to someone, the following free help lines operate 24/7:

LINE OF LIFE : 0800 543 354
TO TALK Call or text 1737
SAMARITANS : 0800 726 666
YOUTHLINE : 0800 376 633 or text 234

There are many places to get support. here

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