Gogglebox is coming to NZ: Here's what to expect


Would you like to watch other people watching television?

Kiwis will soon get the chance to participate in what is arguably television's laziest conceit yet, as Gogglebox heads to New Zealand's regurgitated reality formats, Three. [19659002Thefirstissimple:GoggleboxtakesyoutothelivingroomsoftheTVViewerssoyoucanwatchthemwatchTV

Hosted by Sharyn Casey from Dancing With the Stars, the NZ version promised to capture the reaction of 10 ordinary Kiwi households as they watch various television clips from the previous week.

Despite the inane sounding description, the series has come out of the air.

While watching Homeland Stephen and Chris seem to have conflicting ideas

 Photo / staystreetguys Tumblr
Photo / staystreetguys Tumblr

The daughters in the Delaney-Ellwood are less than impressed when their parents compare insects' 24 hour mating clothes to their love life 20 years ago

 The Delaney-Ellwood Family featured on the UK version of Gogglebox. Photo / Channel 4
The Delaney-Ellwood Family featured on the UK version of Gogglebox. Photo / Channel 4

Photographs / goggleboxes Tumblr ” src=”” data-srcset=”//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/hC6eT1XHYDf2NbwCqRXAcJ-nSmQ=/320×223/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/KYFRNTPWEVGXBFMDUUEAGOQQBY.jpg 320w,//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/RwnKEJX4lNl4eKQSGTDPsPdWUgQ=/375×261/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/KYFRNTPWEVGXBFMDUUEAGOQQBY.jpg 375w,//www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/C7-dc3Au3MRjTfbBAB20aNN7rfs=/620×431/smart/filters:quality(70)/arc-anglerfish-syd-prod-nzme.s3.amazonaws.com/public/KYFRNTPWEVGXBFMDUUEAGOQQBY.jpg 620w”/>

Photo / goggleboxes Tumblr

And Leon's bizarely blunt thoughts on whales.

 Photo / alfrescotree.tumblr .com
Photo / alfrescotree.tumblr.com

It seems antiques Roadshow puts the Siddiquis on edge.

 Photo / alfrescotree.tumblr.com
Photo / alfrescotree.tumblr.com

Only time Kiwis will be able to comment on this high caliber when Gogglebox debuts later this year.

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