Hannah Ferrier opens on her panic attack: "Anxiety is not an easy thing to deal with"


Mediterranean Chef Stew Below Deck thanked the fans for their love and support after sharing his struggles.

Hannah Ferrier is one of the most ferocious females. However, the Chief Stew Below Mediterranean Deck showed its more vulnerable side when it experienced a debilitating anxiety attack in the Tuesday night episode.

Hannah expressed appreciation for all the kind words she received after sharing this difficult moment with the fans. "Thanks for the love and support of the Twitter world." Anxiety is not an easy thing to deal with made harder with cameras in your face – but that's the job. " , she tweeted Tuesday night. "I really appreciate the support."

The stew in chief also opened a little more on what caused his anxiety attack in the first place. She explained that it was not only her feelings for Conrad Empson that were getting more serious, but also the stress of working with the crew and responding to the guests of the charter as well as the lack of sleep trying to juggle everything.

Kasey Cohen pointed out The importance of taking care of yourself in the face of anxiety, as Hannah did during the episode of Tuesday night. "Anxiety is a reality," Kasey tweeted. "It is important to be patient with oneself, to be kind to oneself and to take care of oneself.Nothing is more important than your health."

Captain Sandy Yawn was also heartbroken to see Hannah and Jamie Jason, who suffered from bronchial tracheitis during the episode. , struggling with their health this season charter. "It's always hard to see your team struggling," she tweeted. "My heart went to @hannahferrier_ and @JamieLynnJason."

Conrad previously described in The Daily Dish what it was like to see Hannah live such an intense experience. "I felt sorry for Hannah, I do not really know what was going on because she hid a lot of it," he said, "I guess she's never got it." been in a relationship before and did not want to open, was afraid about it. And more, the stress of the season with the number of hours we do and all that does not help. "

Previewing What's Next This Season of Below Deck Med below

under the Mediterranean bridge

later this season on under the Mediterranean bridge …

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