"I really did not say"


Over the next eight years The Hills Kristin Cavallari has redone herself – the most infamous SoCal antagonist is now a Nashville-based entrepreneur. The married mother of three and retired reality TV is also the businesswoman behind Uncommon James, a booming lifestyle brand that boasts of fashionable and delicate jewelry and a collection of "ethically made" homes. ". Recently, Cavallari has managed to manifest Uncommon James from Instagram in his own flagship store.

Very Cavallari The return of the star from Laguna Beach to reality TV, premiered on Sunday night on E!, Documents the beginnings of Cavallari in brick-and-mortar. While the show also showcases Cavallari's husband, former NFL quarterback Jay Cutler, he operates most of his entertainment through Uncommon James' camera-ready employees. Cutler and Cavallari are the relatively quiet adults of their young professionals who are partying, and there is a good balance between adult minutiae, theaters of office and good interpersonal dramas to the old.

Cavallari, who has the reputation of playing reality game and delighting in the artifice of all this, seems happy to pass catfights and slogans to the next generation. By phoning from Nashville, Cavallari told the Daily Beast how excited she is to present the real and authentic Kristin to the world – with just a little editing, of course.

So, that's your big comeback to reality TV. Why now?

A few different reasons. One of them being that my husband finished playing football. He has retired and I am able to do it. Over the past seven years, I have respected her schedule, and with our children, we always want to make sure that one of us is there. And so with him being done, he just frees up a bit more of my time. And now that we were in the same place now, Nashville, I was really excited to not only plant my personal roots, but also to open my flagship store, my Uncommon James headquarters, and with the staff that I have and the backdrop of opening this store, I felt like it was a very good opportunity to come back to reality TV, but not just about my family, on whatever more, and rely on the staff for the drama, rather than my own personal drama.

Looks like the dynamics of marriage – you're dealing with your business, and Jay in a supporting role – is going to be a big plot in the show.

This is the first show I can really understand and say that's actually me. Like, it's my personality, every scenario on the show is real. This comes from a very real place. And once Jay was home from Miami, I mean we went through that period of time, now Jay's house, things were really starting to improve for me, and so he had to assume more parenting role. So it was very real. I think of course, with any show, you have to of course amplify it up to a certain point and make it interesting, but that is very true at the same time. time.

And this show, and your brand, talks about Nashville – moving south, a culture shock for you?

I do not really think so! I mean, yes, of course, there are "southern beauties" if you like, but there are these same types of women everywhere you go, they are just not called the beautiful ones from the south. So for me, it was not a big cultural shock, especially because we went back and forth between Chicago and Nashville for seven years, so I really knew Nashville. It was not as if all of a sudden we were right there. But Nashville really has a very cool atmosphere, and it's also what I'm excited to show people about my show, that it's a very sexy city! And the people here are really fashionable and just cool. I think when people think of Nashville, they think of the South, and they are cowboy boots and cowboy hats. But this is really not the case at all. I actually think that there are a lot of similarities between Nashville and LA

Obviously in Laguna Beach and then The Hills you got a little nasty edit. I know you talked about feeling uncomfortable at times with the way you came across on TV. Given these experiences, have you had any scruples about going back to the reality TV genre, and how would you have portrayed yourself?

I had a moment before we started filming where I really panicked, and I thought I was making the wrong decision, but that's it quickly dissipated as soon as we started filming. And this time, I'm an executive producer. So I have this control and I say what's going on, and I'm working on the show with people who appreciate and respect my creative direction, and it was a very good feeling, especially coming from Laguna Beach and The Hills where I really had no say, and this made the experience so much more enjoyable for me. So, because of that, I had this security blanket where I could film without having to worry, because I knew that I was going to see everything in advance and, if I really wanted it, I could get something.

And now, knowing what it looks like, do you have any regrets about doing reality TV at such a young age, having had so little control over what was broadcast?

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I do not regret anything at all. I mean, of course, there have been ups and downs, and there have been moments of which I am not proud, but all in all I have really enjoyed all my experience in realizing reality shows. And it finally brought me where I am today, so I am so grateful for that. I just think that now it's different, because it's a thing when you're 18, 19, 20, and you're only worried about yourself, but now returning to reality TV, I am a woman, I am a mother. This is no longer just me who need to worry, my actions now affect others. So for me, it's a little scary. But everything is good – I've seen all eight episodes and I agree with everything that has happened. And I'm really excited because, as I said, I can be behind this show and say that it's me, take it or leave it. And of course, there are retouches here and there … but for the most part, it's a very good representation of me.

" I work on the show with people who appreciate and respect my creative direction, and it was such a great feeling, especially coming from Laguna Beach and The Hills, where I had really no word to say. "

Kristin Cavallari

The show is really an opportunity for you Introduce the" real "you, as opposed to Laguna Beach character / The Hills that people know you.

Yeah! I'm really excited for people to see him. Really excited because … well, exactly what you just said. I mean, people think that they know me, but really they do not know it! And I think that, in that same breath, of course, I have matured and grown up. And so I think whatever happens, of course, there would be some sort of evolution of me to reality TV, but this show really reflects what I am now.

I know it's been a while, but are people still approaching you and asking you questions about dramas Laguna Beach or are they really trying to talk to you about scenarios clearly manufactured? ]

The only thing I really get – and there are two things. One is, do I still speak to Stephen. ( Laughs .) And the other is if I talk to Lauren. Which is just funny. I have the impression of being 80 years old and someone will always ask me these questions. And it's one of those things where, is that a little silly? Obviously yes. But I understand, because that's what put me on the map, and this show has affected so many people, so I really think it's really cool that people always care enough to ask these questions. But the only thing I've always had over the years when people meet me, is: "Oh, you're so nice!" They are always shocked that I am nice. What you know, I thought it would have stopped me now, but I always try to prove that people are wrong!

As someone who still has to handle this legacy of reality TV, do you feel that you have a responsibility towards the young women of your show, for you to ensure that they do not get a two-dimensional or nasty editing?

My only concern with my staff was that they were comfortable all the time. I really feel as if I were able to be there for them, and they came to me with any questions or concerns that they had or still have. Now, with the show getting ready for the premiere, of course, there's all this new wave of emotions coming in and they've all come to me, and there's nothing that I'm having. He loves more than being able to be there for them, because I did not have anyone that I could reach. And for me it was the best thing. And some of them understand more than others what it means to do a TV show, some of them have really brought their A-game during filming and others. were literally just being themselves. And there are good things and bad things about both approaches, and all that interested me at the end of the day was that everyone was cool and at the same time. comfortable with what was happening

were there times when you were torn between not wanting to put yourself on the personal level, but also the fact that the show is the most entertaining possible?

Yeah. So, there was a whole story with one of my best friends, Kelly, and this guy who lives in Canada and all that early dating. And these are the two best friends who talk, and we do not have a filter when we talk to each other, but it's very different when there's a camera on the face. So there was a conversation that was a bit brutal. And as a mom and a wife, I looked a little like "Ugh, can I calm down a bit?" But at the same time that's how we talk, and I want the show to be authentic, and it's entertaining. So it will surely piss off some people, but at the end of the day, that's what I talk to my girlfriends! That's just what it is.

And I know you do not show your children on Very Cavallari – are there any other limits, or subjects that were out of bounds for filming?

my children, but Jay and I also talked in advance of what we were and were not comfortable putting it there, and where we were and we were not comfortable filming in the house. I mean, you will never see our master bedroom. Just some things like that – it 's really personal, it' s really private, and for me it was to make sure that Jay was comfortable because that 's it. is very new to him, and my family is obviously more important to me than a reality show. 19659003] Do you think that you will ever show your children one of your reality shows?

I mean I'm never going to sit them down and be like, hey guys, look Laguna Beach ! But at some point, when they're old enough, I'm sure they'll fall on it. It's a bit inevitable. But I hope that by then they will be mature enough to understand that I was a child once too. I mean, I'm sure it will be a trip to see their mom and dad film a reality show, like when they were in the picture. So, it will probably be a crazy conversation at some point. But they are so young now that I do not have to worry about it anytime soon.

When Filming Laguna Beach and The Hills Do you expect the shows to have the impact that they had?

No, it's so crazy. I mean Laguna Beach and The Hills It's really crazy that more than ten years later Laguna Beach still care about it. But no, I had no idea what would become of it, and how it would change my life. And I am proud to be part of something that was revolutionary, in a way. It was one of the first reality shows of its kind, really. So it's cool. I am proud to say that I was on Laguna Beach and I am part of this team

People always watch these shows, or even discover them for the first time. time.

Oh my god.

Because it was really reality TV! Now that you have more creative control, do you feel that you have learned from these past experiences that you are now applying to this project?

Yes, I have the impression of always having the mind of a producer. Even while filming Laguna Beach I always knew we were there to do a TV show, and I wanted it to go well. And I really feel that my three experiences on reality TV, I have always watched from the point of view of the producer. Even The Hills I was really cool, what do you want me to do, let's do it, I'm a game. So, this time, it's a good thing. was nice to finally have the official title, and be able to participate in those conversations, script conversations and all that stuff, and be able to see all the episodes and change things. I feel like because I was on two great successful reality shows, I took everything I learned on and I applied it to Very Cavallari.

But I also feel that reality TV has changed. I have the impression that now it's just getting louder and louder and how people are being talked about, and I did not want to do a show like that necessarily. I mean, I think Very Cavallari it does not turn tables and it's not crazy and crazy like that, but it's honest and all we live is relatable – it's a real company, and dynamic. And I like the show, I'm proud of the show, but you never know it. We will see if other people like it too. Because as I said, now it's bigger, it's better, which was not my thought process.

Do you watch other reality shows?

Housewives. If that's about I'm going to watch Vanderpump Rules. To be honest, I do not have a lot of time. I do not watch a lot of TV. The only time I have to watch TV is the night between kids going to bed and when I go to bed, and that's my time with Jay. And I can tell you, he does not want to watch reality TV. So we look at Westworld and some of these types of shows. It's very rare that I can watch reality TV.

And I know that it is one of those mundane questions, but would you be ready to see one of your old comrades appear on Very Cavallari ?

Oh, yeah! I mean you have to wait until the second season, I already have people lined up. I will not tell you who, but it will happen. If we get a season two, there will be apparitions of members of the cast Hills . So everyone needs to watch!

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