Is Kate Middleton pregnant? Sources claim that she and Prince William want to give a sister to Charlotte


The royal family could be a little larger

Three months after the birth of Kate Middleton and the third child of Prince William, Prince Louis, rumors circulated that the couple plans to have one other. Sources say the couple wants to give a sister to Princess Charlotte

According to Life & Style: "They would like to have two boys and two girls.

  Sources state that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child three months after the birth of Prince Louis

  According to sources Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child three months after the birth of Prince Louis

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child three months after the birth of Prince Louis

  Kate Middleton and Prince William are already planning to expand their family

  There is speculation that Kate Middleton and Prince William are already planning to extend their family

There is widespread speculation that Kate Middleton and Prince William are already planning to expand their family

"It is important for Kate that her own children have a similar connection with their siblings, and she knows this is more likely to happen if they "

The source states that there is a chance that Kate, 36, is already pregnant.

"Kate shows all the signs of a pregnancy and she and William have always said that they wanted four children their family. In fact, William would like to have five children – but Kate thinks that four are enough! & # 39;

Could Kate Middleton and Prince William wait for another child? Here is what we know up to here.

Is Kate Middleton still pregnant?

Sources assume that Kate Middleton is already pregnant with her fourth child. According to Life & Style, the Duchess of Cambridge is showing signs that there is a roll in the oven.

"She wears loose clothing again, avoiding alcohol and fearing curry, which she often does when she is pregnant. "Although Kate is currently on maternity leave, she had the option of making an appearance at Prince Charles's party at the end of May, but one of the reasons she was not attending was that she was exhausted and sensed

Kate is known to suffer from morning sickness.

In terms of feeling overwhelmed by becoming a family of six, Life & Style sources say that 39, she has many helping hands

"Kate has a lot of help, says the insider." [Her mother] Carole Middleton, often comes to London to take care of the little ones -Children and she is also looking to hire a maternal assistant for Maria [Teresa Turrion Borrallo]. "

Kate Middleton Substitute

After the birth of Princess Charlotte Kate Middleton had sought the help of a surrogate mother to have his second child.

According to Closer Online, rumors have emerged because some thought the Duchess was too beautiful when she appeared in front of the Lindo wing of St. Mary's Hospital in London on May 2, 2015.

The Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda spoke with a conspiracy theorist who says: "It was a surrogate who gave birth but not her. Kate had to wear a fake belly showing people that she was pregnant.

Another source said, "She did not give birth, I'm sure of it. There is no special maternal look in his eyes – this natural thing is not visible.

The theory of conspiracy was not recognized by the palace and did not resurface with Prince Louis.

Is Meghan Markle pregnant? Rumors are circulating that Meghan Markle is pregnant with her first child with Prince Harry.

The Duchess of Sussex did not verbally speak of this speculation, but she apparently dispelled rumors during a trip to Dublin, Ireland, when she was seen taking a sip of champagne

. I saw him raise a drink during a summer party at Glencairn House and take a sip.

The store noted that Meghan was also wearing more fitted clothing during her trip.

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