Jason Aldean and his wife Brittany start building their "dream house"


Jason Aldean and his wife Brittany Aldean announced this week that they are expecting their second child together, and the couple is also planning to go to school. enlarge their living space, building their "dream home" on a plot in Tennessee

Brittany shared the news of the project Wednesday, posting an Instagram photo of a naked lot on a long road surrounded by 39; trees.

A new journey begins … We decided to build our dream home in Tennessee, "she shared in the legend. Looking at the land, it's hard not to imagine a place where our babies will run, laugh and play with each other. so many years to come … I can not wait to hear those little feet running in the corridors. "

(Photo: Instagram / @brittanyaldean)

She also shared a picture of her and Jason on his Instagram Instagram, with the couple standing together on the field with him. construction equipment in the background behind them.

"Home sweet home," wrote Brittany.

  home "title =" home "height =" 700 "width =" 396 "data-item =" 20040556 "/ 
<figcaption> (Photo: Instagram / @brittanyaldean) </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The couple announced Brittany's pregnancy with a picture of their son, Memphis, wearing a muffler that said "Big Brother." </p>
<p>  ……. guess who will be a big brother! "Jason wrote on Instagram." #thisdude # aldeanpartyof6. "</p>
<figure class=  memphis" title = "memphis" height = "558" width = "596" data-item = "20040388" /> 
<figcaption> (Photo: Instagram / @jasonaldean) </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Brittany shared the same photo for himself, writing, "Here we go again!" </p>
<p>  Jason and Brittany were married in 2015 and hosted Memphis in December 2017. Jason is also <g class= daddy to two daughters, Keeley and Kendyl, from a previous marriage.

In April, Brittany opened to People on her journey to become a mom, sharing that she and Jason used in vitro fertilization and even considered surrogacy

"IVF was probably harder She said, "These are so low ups and downs, and no one really knows you're going through it all so you just put on a game face and pretend you're not giving yourself beating in the stomach every day, all day. "

31- years added that Memphis was the last embryo of the couple.

"I considered a surrogate mother," she revealed. "We thought of all the options, which is sad because you want to be able to carry your own child, but then you think:" What's wrong with me? Why can not I? Why does not he implant? I do not understand.

Brittany also shared that the couple planned to continue to expand their family after hosting Memphis.

"We probably want just one more, because [Jason] already has two children, and then we had [Memphis] so I feel like four, that's a lot, "she said. "But I want to try again, just so Memphis has a close friend of his age."

Source: Instagram / @brittanyaldean

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